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Shiva Rea – Master Class: The Evolution of Namaskar

Shiva Rea – Master Class: The Evolution of Namaskar

Traditionalists trace the roots of modern Sun Salutations back to rituals called Namaskars performed more than 3,500 years ago, but a few crucial pieces of the original custom never quite caught on in today’s mainstream practice. Want to bring the missing links back into your practice and approach Salutations as more of an all-in-one practice than a warm-up? Join Shiva Rea for an intensive workshop that will deepen your experience on the mat, no matter what style of yoga you practice.

In this six-week master class, you will explore various Namaskar practices as a way to drop into your heart and let go of whatever holds you back. Once you experience Namaskars as a whole-body movement meditation, you can cultivate an inner flow that leads to transformation.

This course qualifies for 6 non-contact continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

What You’ll Learn In Master Class: The Evolution of Namaskar

Learning Objectives

In this six-week Master Class, you will explore various Namaskar practices as a way to drop into your heart and let go of whatever holds you back. Once you experience Namaskars as a whole-body movement meditation, you can cultivate an inner flow that leads to transformation. The course includes:

  • An introduction to the roots and evolution of Namaskar and the practice of movement meditation
  • 2 classical Surya Namaskar practices
  • 1 Chandra Namaskar practice
  • 2 evolutionary Prana Vinyasa Namaskar practices
  • Weekly self-study assignments to help you embody what you’ve learned


  • Introduction
  • Week 1 – Intro to Namaskar
  • Week 2 – Classical Surya Namaskar with Mantra
  • Week 3 – Classical Surya Namaskar with Bija Mantras
  • Week 4 – Chandra Namaskar
  • Week 5 – Prana Flow Pranams
  • Week 6 – Hridaya Namaskar

About Shiva Rea

Shiva Rea is an activist, yoga teacher, and author of Tending the Heart Fire. Music and movement are key to her unique style of yoga, which is based on Krishnamacharya’s teachings, Tantra, Ayurveda, and bhakti. An avid surfer and longtime philanthropist, she uses yoga to raise money through her initiatives Moving Activism for 1,008,000 Trees, Yoga Energy Activism, and the Global Mala Project. She travels for retreats and workshops most days, but you can often find her once a week leading a public class at Exhale in Venice, California.

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