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Ross Jeffries – Secrets of the Curiosity Code

Ross Jeffries – Secrets of the Curiosity Code

Ross Jeffries – Secrets of the Curiosity Code

Listen: one of the greatest skills you can use to not only seduce women, but build an admiring circle of friends from any are of life, is to develop a genuine curiosity.

Why does this very rare (but easily learned) skill lead to such powerful seduction and popularity results?

Because very, very few people know how to do it – and 99% of your competition hasn’t got a clue it even exists.

So if you want to tap deep into a woman’s mind and create a sense of deep connection that gets her longing for you without having to use any language patterns at all, the Curiosity Code is essential for you.

In Secrets of the Curiosity Code, You’ll Discover How To:

  • Use the “4C Method” that gets a woman to open up and tell you her wildest fantasies so you can insert yourself right in the middle of them Utilize her responses to sexually amplify the conversation in moments
  • Perhaps most importantly, develop a genuine liking and appreciation for her as a unique human, so you actually enjoy and like her as a human while you are seducing her

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