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Robert Moss – School of Imaginal Healing

Robert Moss – School of Imaginal Healing

Robert Moss – School of Imaginal Healing

Embrace a joyful, magical new way of healing your old wounds — guided by your soul wisdom unfolding in your dreams.

Discover the bigger story of your life — by reclaiming the spontaneous, playful, and creative child within you…

What You’ll Learn In School of Imaginal Healing

In School of Imaginal Healing, Robert Moss will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to become the healer of your life and the shaman of your soul.

School of Imaginal Healing will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Robert Moss. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones — so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embrace a joyful, magical new way of healing your old wounds.

Module 1: Enter the Cave of the Dreaming Bear

During your first class, you’ll discover how to find rest and regeneration whenever you need it.

In a shamanic journey powered by drumming, you’ll be invited to enter the embrace of the Great Mother Bear and discover what you need to heal yourself — and help others heal, too.

You’ll turn your adventures into stories, art and creative expression to delight your inner child — and find your voice in a community of creative dreamers who will support your soul odyssey over the next 12 weeks.

You’ll also build a base for operations of the imagination you’ll use in many ways throughout this School of Imaginal Healing course.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover (or grow stronger in) your personal Tree of Vision and use it as a portal to many worlds
  • Reclaim your inner child — and explore how it may have fled from this world because of pain, abuse, or trauma
  • Discover why the invitation to enter the cave of the dreaming bear is also an offer to meet all the animal doctors and animal spirits
  • Feel this Shamanic path you’re embarking upon lift your energy, reveal the natural path of your energies in life, and more
  • Find yourself smelling, hearing, and seeing in different ways as you explore this work with Robert Moss
  • Discover the allies you already have in healing and in psychic protection
  • Journey to the Cave of the Medicine Bear for immediate healing, guidance and renewal

Module 2: Reclaim Your Magical Child

In this session, you’ll discover how the head imagineer through your life, the true master of dreams and imagination, the one who understands the magic of working things up is… your magical child.

Like shamans, mystics and poets, the child in you knows there are places of imagination that are altogether real. She knows the magic of making things up.

This week, you’ll play games designed to bring back the Magical Child and grow our powers of creative visualization.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Open the path to the Magical Child
  • Step through a picture into another world
  • Apply the very best Rx for nightmares and scary dreams
  • Master the Nine Key Ways to support children (including your own inner child) with dreams and nightmares
  • Learn the power of using a personal dream or image as the portal for a voyage of imagination
  • Explore why you may have lost your dreams — and now and have trouble visualizing because you’ve lost touch with the beautiful bright dreamer in your soul
  • Discover how to your share dreams and life stories the right way, bringing juice into any day and growing creative friendships

Module 3: Open Your Own Pharmacy of Healing Images

Did you know science has discovered that our minds can’t distinguish between an imagined event and an event that actually took place?

This means YOU have the power to lift your own spirits — and bring them down — by using the right imagery.

In this third part of the course, you’ll open your own emporium (or pharmacy) of healing images. ..

You’ll discover:

  • The reasons your body tells your mind to pump out stress chemicals
  • How to stock the shelves of your own imaginal pharmacy, an apothecary shop of healing images — all drawn from your life memories and dreams
  • How to help your body get well and stay well
  • Methods for journeying to healing places in the true realm of imagination
  • How animal spirits can often help take you to healing places
  • Why cleansing, purification, healing, and regeneration are all available in different locations of the mind
  • How to harness the diagnostic power of dreams
  • How to use active imagination and dream reentry to transform scary dreams and disturbing images
  • How to journey back inside a dream to dialogue with a dream character, claim a power for healing, solve a mystery, or continue the adventure as a lucid dreamer

Module 4: Find Treasure in the Twilight Zone

During this class, you’ll find treasure in “the twilight zone,” that liminal space between sleep and awake.

Science has long held that the liminal state of hypnagogia has been the solution state for creative breakthroughs, where inner guides are easily accessible. It’s an ideal launch pad for lucid dreaming and astral travel.

By learning to maintain a state of relaxed attention on the cusp of sleep, you develop heightened awareness — and the ability to operate in more than one reality simultaneously.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The many reasons your twilight zone is home to a deeply healing inner playground
  • How you can develop an inner creative studio for problem solving
  • What it means to create a yoga of manifestation to find and fulfill your heart’s desires — and grow it so strong that it can take root in the world
  • The limitless applications of your newfound power to visit magical places in your dreams
  • Maintaining awareness on the cusp of sleep — and having fun in the “twilight zone”
  • Lucid dream adventures from the place between sleep and awake
  • Your inexhaustible inner playground

Module 5: Build Your Living Totem Pole

In this session, you’ll embark on a 7-part journey through your energy centers…

This journey will bring out the artist and creator in you — and as you draw what you find along your seven-part journey, you’ll feel your magical child come closer again.

You also construct your own map to use for empowering, soul-healing future journeys. ..

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • An inspiring new shamanic journey, mapped out using the geography of your chakras’ energy anatomy
  • Living symbols and spiritual allies to support your life
  • A diagnosis of your physical, mental, spiritual, emotional condition — providing you with a healing chart to use on journeys for self-healing
  • A rich symbology to make your pharmacy of healing images even more vivid
  • How to create your personal energy chart and living “totem pole” — and how to help others use their energy charts
  • A d eeper connection with animal guardians and discover where they want to live in your body and assist in healing and empowerment
  • A personal set of vibrant, living symbols
  • How to open your throat chakra so you can speak your truth and be heard

Module 6: Enter the Temple of Dream Healing

In this class, Robert Moss will guide you to directly encounter a sacred guide and healer — just as your ancestors did when the arts of dream healing were fully alive…

Using your creative imagination, you’ll build anew the temples of dream healing, supported by the research of dream archaeologists – both scholarly and experiential.

And you’ll delve into ancient practices that have delivered extraordinary results.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Review the testimonies and evidence for the successful ancient practice of dream healing in the temples of Asklepios, Sequana and other patron deities
  • Invoke the sacred guide
  • Recognize and celebrate the role of the animal powers in this mode of healing
  • Perform simple rituals to open your own passage to the sacred guide and healer
  • Journey to the temple of healing, passing through successive stages of purification and initiation — leading to the invitation to experience a direct encounter with a divine healer
  • Bring away with you an inner House of Healing, to which you can return any time for renewal and regeneration

Module 7: A Visit to the Dream Clinic

During this session, you’ll make a visit to the dream clinic…

This entire class will be devoted to sharing reports and answering questions — surrounding narratives, themes, preoccupations, and more — and then receiving Robert Moss’s answers and guidance.

You’ll explore:

  • How much energy can be generated through the process of sharing
  • The magic of empathy, compassion, intuition, and guidance — in action
  • Robert Moss’s simple four-step process for sharing dreams and life stories
  • How to carry this sharing process with you anywhere in life
  • How to deepen your relationships and grow friendships on the level of the heart

Module 8: Soul Recovery & Transtemporal Healing

You likely already know this in your heart and in your gut…

… soul loss – the loss of vital energy and identity from pain, trauma, or wrenching life choices – is at the root of many of your existential complaints.

During this class, you’ll step into the role of time traveler and journey to a younger self in your own Now time.

This week, you’ll discover:

  • How to provide the encouragement and counsel your younger self
  • Why the magic goes out of life when you lose the energy of soul — and how to prevent this from happening
  • The hole within you (and within all of us) that’s so tempting to fill with addictive behaviors
  • Why you’re often fatigued for no apparent reason — which keeps you from experiencing joy or love
  • How to use dreams and life memories as clues to locate your missing vital energy and identity
  • Ways to travel and reclaim soul energy — and reconnect with the “child of wonder” who may have left when the world seemed too cruel
  • The magic of entertaining your spirits – your child self, your teen self, your Goddess self, your animal spirits

Module 9: Soul Growing & Quantum Healing

This class is your invitation to visit a very special location in the Imaginal Realm…

You’ll discover more about your connection with other personalities as you seek a closer engagement with your Higher Self.

What is the Higher Self? It’s the soul of the soul, that will never lie to you or judge you.

In this session, you’ll also learn about reality creation in the Imaginal Realm — where your imagination works with higher intelligence to build structures for healing, learning and initiation.

During this module, you’ll:

  • Make peace between the many aspects of yourself by opening a direct connection with the Self on a higher level
  • Reach out to a parallel self who made different choices — and bring lessons from that experience into your current circumstances
  • Communicate, mind-to-mind, with members of your soul family in other time periods
  • Seek to heal “past life” and “other life” dramas that may be influencing your present life and relationships
  • Practice deep soul remembering, reclaiming the knowledge of who you were before you came into your present body
  • Embody knowledge from your Higher Self in your present life – and keep it with you

Module 10: Heal Your Relations With the Ancestors

During this class, you’re invited to participate in an ancestral healing…

Come prepared to release heavy energy of the deceased and multi-generational patterns of addiction and dysfunction.

You may find yourself engaged in cultural soul recovery, bringing back knowledge from your wise ancestors.

The deceased may also need help and guidance from you — maybe because they have unfinished business or are unable to detach from old environments and addictions.

You’ll experience direct and potentially life-changing evidence of the soul’s reality — and its survival of physical death.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Engage in natural communication with the departed in dreams and states of heightened perception
  • Discern whether the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is a transpersonal encounter — or your own projection of an aspect of yourself
  • Determine why the departed may be visiting you — there are 13 possible reasons
  • Use a dream of the departed as a portal for further communication
  • Welcome the departed when they’re ready to play the role of counselor and family angel
  • Construct simple rituals to honor the ancestors and facilitate helpful contact

Module 11: Become a Word Doctor

In this session, you’re invited to learn the arts of dream growing, story swapping and poetic enchantment for the benefit of others.

You’ll learn Robert Moss’s powerful and original Vision Transfer technique, which has brought fire and spirit to so many…

You’ll rejoice when you see it working in the life of someone you’ve been concerned about… when you witness the returning of the brightness in their eyes.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What it really means to sing the soul back home – and how to do this for others
  • Growing a dream – a healing image, a soul story, a song that calls back soul – for someone else
  • Helping others connect with the animal spirits
  • Guiding others to places of healing and empowerment — in non-ordinary reality
  • Becoming a “word doctor” who can help others to heal by offering them the right stories
  • Finding your own power songs and sharing them with others

Module 12: Find the Myths You Can Live By

In your final class with Robert Moss, you’ll play wonderful new games together.

Australian Aborigines say that the Big stories are hunting the right people to tell them, like predators stalking in the bush.

The trick is to put yourself in a place where the Big stories can find you. When you’re seized by the Big story, you step beyond limiting definitions and beliefs. Great healing becomes available because you can draw on the immense energy t generated by the sense of serving a larger purpose — and living a mythic life.

In this module, you’ll be inspired to:

  • Feel the powers of the deeper world move around you — and notice the resulting shimmer effec t on the ordinary world
  • Become alert to the shimmer effect, make the right moves in that exact moment — and help manifest extraordinary things
  • Shed your old tired history like a snakeskin
  • Claim your bigger and braver story, a myth to live by
  • Grow a vision of healing and life possibility so strong it takes root in your body and your world
  • Walk an everyday path of magic by paying attention to signs, symbols and synchronicity
  • Do what you love and let the world support you

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