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Richard Bartlett & Melissa Joy Jonsson – Beyond Matrix Energetics

Richard Bartlett & Melissa Joy Jonsson – Beyond Matrix Energetics

Richard Bartlett & Melissa Joy Jonsson – Beyond Matrix Energetics

About The Authors of Beyond Matrix Energetics

About Richard Bartlett

Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D., holds a doctorate in chiropractic from Parker Chiropractic College and a degree in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Bartlett has been teaching transformational seminars around the world to thousands of participants since 2003.

Dr. Bartlett decided to attend chiropractic school after meeting Dr. Jacque Rowe, an inspiring and unique chiropractor. While Dr. Bartlett was attending chiropractic school his second child was born with bronchitis and asthma and battled frequent bouts of pneumonia.

Dr. Bartlett decided he would have to find the answer himself and embarked on a path of self-study, eventually learning and practicing more than 30 different healing systems. In the course of his studies, Dr. Bartlett learned TBM as taught by Dr. Victor Frank, a chiropractor. His son responded to this system and was healed.

After graduating from Parker Chiropractic College in 1987, Dr. Bartlett moved to Montana where he maintained a busy practice until 1996. Desiring to expand his practice scope in order to better serve his patient base and the increasingly complex clinical cases he was seeing, Dr. Bartlett decided to attend naturopathic school. His degree in naturopathic medicine was completed in December of 2000.

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In 1996, Dr. Bartlett’s life took a new and surprising turn. While attending Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine and working full time as a chiropractor, he experienced a life changing event which redirected the entire course of his clinical experience. Call it a mystical occurrence, a spiritual vision, outright hallucination, or as Dr. Jim Parker called it; the experience of being ‘naturally right’, suddenly the act of lightly touching a patient with focused intent created dramatic, often startling changes.

Bones would re-align themselves, chronic pain patterns would disappear, often with only one brief session; scoliosis curvatures would re-align right before his eyes. As time went on this phenomenon seemed to grow stronger, sometimes each week revealing new and marvelous outcomes.

Chronic conditions began to change even though they were often not even a conscious focus for the treatment. In addition, people began to report that their emotional states, belief patterns, their very lives were mysteriously being transformed. Better yet, these changes appeared to continue over time. His practice, always emotionally satisfying; became a profound, and deeply moving day to day experience.

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The biggest surprise was yet to come. Much to his astonishment he was able to teach his practice partner, Dr. Dunn, how to duplicate his results proving that this ability was not just some special gift, but rather a readily teachable system that in a weekend seminar could be learned and the results duplicated by the healing professional and lay person alike.

Dr. Bartlett has been teaching transformational seminars around the world to thousands of participants since 1992 and the feedback is even better than he had hoped for. These paradigms utilize the principles and sciences of Subtle Energy and Quantum Physics, coupled with the incredible power of active imagination and focused intent to produce physically verifiable effects that often defy rational explanation.

Miracles happen every day. Matrix Energetics, Master Energy Dynamics, and Holo-Synchronous Energetic Technology Systems provide the technology and scientific framework to allow for their everyday occurrence. Dr. Bartlett is the author of the award-winning Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation, The Matrix Energetics Experience, The Physics of Miracles (with Melissa Joy Jonsson), and Into the Matrix (with Melissa Joy Jonsson).

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About Melissa Joy Jonsson

Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power by playing in the field of the heart. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational Matrix Energetics seminars around the globe since 2008. Melissa Joy Jonsson is the founder of M-Joy, a unifying “we” movement that provides a new language to experience self-love as integrity. As an intuitive coach and holistic practitioner, Melissa has a diverse client base in more than 25 countries.

Melissa is the author of the new release “The Art of Limitless Living” (April 2018) and the bestselling books “Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life” (July 2015) and “M-Joy Practically Speaking; Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” (March 2014). She is also the author of “Practical Play the Heart-Centered Way: A Complementary Play Guide to Little Book of Big Potentials” (January 2016). She co-authored “Into the Matrix: Guides, Grace, and The Field of the Heart” (2013) and “The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential” with Dr. Richard Bartlett (2010).

Prior to creating a career she loves, Melissa spent more than a decade as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry, focused on developing new markets for blockbuster drugs. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

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