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Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – Kundalini: Inner Healing for a Troubled World

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – Kundalini Inner Healing for a Troubled World

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – Kundalini: Inner Healing for a Troubled World

Connect to the primordial pool of energy and consciousness lying dormant within.

By making skillful use of that aspect of kundalini shakti which is already awake, we can further awaken our kundalini and heal negativity in the depths of our mind and heart. Kundalini: Inner Healing for a Troubled World will expand your understanding and experience of prana shakti (the kundalini energy that is already awakened) and provide tools for concentrating and focusing it to further awaken kundalini shakti.

Major topics of Kundalini: Inner Healing for a Troubled World

  • How our karmas force kundalini to remain dormant
  • How to clear the karmic impurities
  • The relationship between the two aspects of prana
  • How to awaken kundalini shakti ar the manipura chakra
  • Unique and powerful hatha yoga practices
  • How to make your lifestyle choices a means of awakening kundalini shakti

What You’ll Learn In Kundalini: Inner Healing for a Troubled World

Introduction: Kundalini and Kundalini Awakening

  • Kundalini: Our Vast Potential Energy
  • Our Wealth of Shakti and How It Manifests
  • Pranic Shakti: Kundalini in Awakened Form
  • Awakening and Using Kundalini Wisely: Part 1
  • Awakening and Using Kundalini Wisely: Part 2
  • Awakening Has to Be Methodical
  • The Need for Self-Assessment
  • The Importance of Practice

The Chakras and Kundalini Awakening

  • Kundalini and the Gift of Being Human
  • The Seven Chakras
  • What We Mean by Kundalini Awakening
  • An Integrated Approach Emphasizing Three Chakras: Part 1
  • An Integrated Approach Emphasizing Three Chakras: Part 2

Practicum: Activating Pranic Shakti at the Navel Center

  • Asana Practice
  • Guided Relaxation
  • Nadi Shodhanam with Breath Moving to the Eyebrow Center

A Plan for Awakening Kundalini

  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata and Ajna Chakras
  • Connecting the Three Chakras
  • Practice for Manipura Chakra: Agni Sara
  • Practice for Manipura Chakra: Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Practices for Anahata and Ajna Chakras
  • Prana Dharana

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