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NICABM – Rethinking Trauma Series

NICABM – Rethinking Trauma Series

NICABM – Rethinking Trauma Series

Rethinking Trauma Series

In just this past year alone, experts have discovered new methods for working with trauma’s pernicious symptoms. Their work alone and collectively has provided us with so much more than we knew… only a year ago.

Even as recently as five years ago, we didn’t understand that the lower brain could command the shutdown response, totally bypassing the prefrontal cortex, totally bypassing any sense of “choice.” And we didn’t understand how important the role of neuroception was to the process of feeling safe.

Or how we might calm the fear in a traumatized brain using neurofeedback.

Your patients’ nervous system may be making decisions without their “permission.”

But now we have many more options to help our patients. Especially when we use what we now know about how trauma impacts the nervous system and the brain.

With the right adjustments, techniques that once fell flat can be honed to work more effectively with the symptoms of unresolved trauma.

Understanding the brain’s role can bring depth and power to our interventions.

It allows us to resource our patients with skills to stabilize, ground, and short-circuit old patterns of reactivity. Then we’re better able to clear a way for the deeper work of healing.

Using what we are now learning can help our patients experience fewer symptoms, get better sleep, become more self-reflective and feel more confident.

It all begins in the body – especially the brain.

There’s nothing like the confidence, energy, and deep satisfaction of seeing clients make progress.

Imagine your client pausing in a moment of reactivity and calling on the repertoire of skills you taught them for self-soothing, developing greater stability and resilience – not just in your office, but during the rest of their week as well.

Imagine them feeling safe, with a sense of agency and even self-esteem.

When our interventions succeed, it’s a huge boost to confidence – not just for us, but for our clients, too.

As a practitioner, it’s hard to beat the gratification of seeing a client’s life opening back up.

We feel less burnt out and drained, and feel the joy of the profoundly rewarding work we do.

New techniques, like limbic system therapy, neurofeedback, and other brain and body-oriented approaches…

…that include a polyvagal perspective could be the key to providing more targeted treatments to help trauma patients manage dissociation, reactivity, and instability.

That’s why the best practitioners invest in their professional development.

We’ve put together a new webinar series to bring you leading-edge methods for treating trauma straight from the pioneers in the field.

In Rethinking Trauma Series, we’ll zero in on big picture developments as well as the details of specific techniques that you can take back to your office.

You can download this Rethinking Trauma Series course immediately!!!

What you will learn in Rethinking Trauma Series

Getting to the Root of Trauma: Why It’s Critical to Understand the Role of Memory in Trauma Therapy
Peter Levine, PhD

Creator of Somatic Experiencing, Director of The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, author of In An Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

  • Strategies that Can Help Your Clients Build Resilience Against Traumatic Experiences
  • How Trauma Cascades from One Generation to the Next
  • Working through the Unintended Consequences of Western Bias in Trauma Therapy
  • How to Help Trauma Survivors Revisit Memories without Becoming Stuck in Them
  • What Animal Reactions (to Trauma) Can Teach Us About Helping Clients Cope with PTSD
  • How Different Types of Memory Can Contribute to the Traumatic Experience
  • Reliving and Revisiting: A Useful Strategy that Can Help Your Clients Work Through Trauma with More Stability and Presence

How to Work with the Traumatized Brain – Applying the Latest Strategies to Speed Healing and Reduce Symptoms for Even the Most Traumatized Clients
Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Co-author of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Medical Director of the Trauma Center at Justice Research Institute, Faculty at Boston University Medical School

  • The Three Big Differences Between a Brain with PTSD and One Without (and What This Means for Treatment)
  • The Profound Effect Trauma Can Have on Imagination, and How that Can Drastically Impact Patients’ Lives
  • The Smoke Detector, the Cook, and the Watch Tower – How to Bring the Three Parts of the Brain that Play the Biggest Roles in Trauma Back Online
  • Key Strategies that Can Help Clients Learn to Tolerate Their Sensations and Be Less Reactive
  • How Mindfulness Helps Tame the Body’s Trauma Response
  • Limbic System Therapy – A Different Approach to Calming Clients So They Can Process Traumatic Memories More Effectively
  • How to Use Neurofeedback to Train the Self-Reflective Part of the Brain

Beyond the Brain: Using Polyvagal Theory to Help Patients “Reset” the Nervous System after Trauma
Stephen Porges, PhD

Author of The Polyvagal Theory, Professor at University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Connecting Brain to Body: How to Apply Polyvagal Theory to Free Patients from a Victim Mentality
  • How to Work with Neuroception, The “Personal Risk Detector” in the Nervous System
  • Using Voice, Gestures, and Engagement to Contribute to Feelings of Safety in Trauma Therapy
  • When the Ability to Feel Safe Is Impaired: How Trauma Ruptures the Root of Attachment
  • Effective Strategies for Working with the Nervous System
  • Why Social Engagement is Crucial in Trauma Therapy

Why a Body-Oriented Approach Is Key for Treating Traumatized Patients (and What It Looks Like in Practice)
Pat Ogden, PhD

Author of Trauma and the Body, Founder & Director of The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institut

  • How to Bring the “Thinking Brain” Back Online Following Trauma
  • Helping Patients Develop Flexibility When Their Response Patterns Have Become Dysregulated
  • Normalizing the Body’s Reaction to Fear for Patients Who Have Experienced Trauma
  • How to Train Yourself to See the Story of the Body
  • The Implicit Self: Finding and Working with the Real Storyteller
  • 5 Types of Body Movement (and What They Reveal About Procedural Memory)
  • Reframing Trauma Therapy: How to Help Clients Discover Resources to Soothe Themselves

The Neurobiology of Trauma Treatment: How Brain Science Can Lead to More Targeted Interventions for Patients Healing from Trauma
Daniel Siegel, MD

Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, Co-Director of UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, author of Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain

  • How Age Can Affect Trauma’s Impact on the Brain
  • Developmental Trauma: Why Neglect May Be Worse Than Abuse for a Child’s Brain
  • The Chemical Effects of Trauma on the Brain
  • Why Flashbacks Feel Like Present Experience Instead of Past Memory
  • How the Links in the Brain Become Broken During Dissociation
  • The Three Areas of the Brain Most Impacted by Developmental Trauma
  • Epigenetics and the Effect of Trauma Across Generations

The Fear-Driven Brain: How a New Intervention is Changing Trauma Treatment
Sebern Fisher, MA

Psychotherapist, neurofeedback practitioner specializing in attachment issues. Author of Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain

  • Why Neurofeedback Can Be a Game-Changer for Trauma Patients
  • How Brain Waves Contribute to Trauma Symptoms
  • What Our Patients’ Brain Waves Tell Us About Their Symptoms, and What Their Symptoms Tell Us About Their Brain Waves
  • Re-establishing Attachment Through Brain Wave Training
  • How to Calm the Fear in a Traumatized Brain

You can download this Rethinking Trauma Series course immediately!!!

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