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NICABM – Compassion-Based Approaches into Trauma Treatment

NICABM – Compassion-Based Approaches into Trauma Treatment

NICABM – Compassion-Based Approaches into Trauma Treatment

Description of Compassion-Based Approaches into Trauma Treatment

Unlock Healing for Trauma Patients with Compassion-Based Therapy

Working with trauma is some of the toughest work we do, both on us as practitioners and our patients.

But compassion-based therapies can enhance your interventions and support your clients through the difficult work of processing trauma.

Research suggests that compassion practice can act as a buffer against the harmful effects of trauma. It can help your client develop skills to approach traumatic memories without getting caught up in a threat response during your session.

Compassion practices can even equip your clients to repair ruptures following inadequate childhood attachment.

So how do we integrate compassion-oriented therapies into treatment and build a client’s capacity to process trauma?

We turned to the world’s leading experts in compassion-based therapy and asked them to share their best approaches for working with trauma.

Expert Strategies for Integrating Compassion-Based Approaches into Trauma Treatment

How to Build Your Client’s Capacity for Compassion (and Why That Can Help Them Process Trauma)

Deborah Lee, DClinPsy   Christopher Willard, PsyD  
Christopher Germer, PhD   Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD  
Susan Pollak, MTS, EdD   Kristin Neff, PhD

  • The Dramatic Impact of Self-Compassion on PTSD
  • Why Compassion-Based Approaches Are So Effective for Helping Patients Process Trauma
  • What to Do When Early Childhood Trauma Has Compromised Your Patient’s Ability to Practice Self-Compassion
  • How to Help Patients Cultivate Self-Compassion to Repair Attachment Ruptures
  • A Powerful Metaphor to Help Patients Open Up to Self-Compassion After Trauma

Three Key Steps for Integrating Compassion-Based Approaches into the Treatment of Trauma

Dennis Tirch, PhD   Deborah Lee, DClinPsy  
Laura Silberstein-Tirch, PsyD

  • Crucial Steps You Must Take Before Applying Compassion-Oriented Approaches to Your Patient’s Traumatic Memories
  • How to Use Compassionate Mind Training to Heal a Traumatized Brain
  • How to Help Your Patient Bring Compassion to Traumatic Memories
  • The Game-Changing Power of Identifying “Safety Strategies” That Are Harming Your Client’s Relationships

How to Integrate Self-Compassion into the Three Stages of Trauma Treatment

Christopher Germer, PhD   Susan Pollak, MTS, EdD

  • Why Compassion Can Be So Effective in Helping Clients Reconnect with the World
  • How Compassion Can Build Your Client’s Internal Resources and Their Capacity for Processing Trauma

Strategies to Help Patients When Trauma Creates Blocks to Compassion

Kristin Neff, PhD   Christopher Germer, PhD  
Laura Silberstein-Tirch, PsyD   Jack Kornfield, PhD  
Christopher Willard, PsyD   Dennis Tirch, PhD

  • How to Use Your Patient’s Blocks and Fears to Build Compassion-Based Skills
  • Two Key Phrases for Working with “Backdraft” in Self-Compassion
  • How Compassion Can Cultivate Courage and Accelerate Post-Traumatic Growth
  • How to Use Compassion as Motivation for Transformation

Critical Insights: Integrating Compassion into the Treatment of Trauma

Kelly McGonigal, PhD   Ron Siegel, PsyD   Ruth Buczynski, PhD

  • The Role Oxytocin Can Play When Integrating Compassion into Trauma Work
  • Why Some Patients Experience a “Vulnerability Hangover” After Compassion Practice – and How to Mitigate It
  • The Key Factor That Can Make Self-Compassion Sustainable for Patients Who Have Experienced Trauma
  • Compassion-Based Practices to Help Patients Feel Safe and Accepted
  • Specific De-Shaming Language to Normalize a Client’s Response to Trauma

Concrete Compassion-Based Strategies for Addressing Trauma (and How to Integrate Them into Your Work)

Rick Hanson, PhD   Deborah Lee, DClinPsy   Ashley Vigil-Otero, PhD

  • Self-Compassion Skills Patients Can Use to Create a Sense of Safety
  • Practical Exercises That Can Bring Compassion to Your Patient’s Trauma Story
  • Two Specific Ways to Use Psychoeducation to Help Patients Process Traumatic Memories
  • How to Apply Compassionate Imagery to Help Patients Create an Internal Support System
  • Three Key Compassion-Based Ways to Help Patients Expand Their Window of Tolerance

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