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Lisa Nichols – No Matter What Course

No Matter What Course

Lisa Nichols – No Matter What Course

Description Of No Matter What Course

Take ownership of your greatness and flex your bounce-back muscles to reach your mountain top –No Matter What!

Let Lisa Nichols, best-selling author and fabulous star on The Secret, teach you how to use the lessons of your life as well as the lessons of her life to be your own inner coach and fuel your climb to the peaks in front of you – not just out of the valleys.

With the No Matter What! personal coaching course you cannot help but enrich your life! You might take big steps or your might take baby steps – either way, you will step into your greatness!

You get five Coaching CDs, a Self-Work Journal PDF, and you’ll also get the breakthrough Paraliminal that Paul Scheele and Lisa Nichols created for you to ensure that what you learn from Lisa takes root and flourishes.

Plus, you’ll receive:

A PDF of 25 Affirmation Cards to inspire and encourage you to go out and create what you want and to remind you just how wonderful you really are.

A PDF of 15 Ask a Better Question Cards to improve the effectiveness of your response to any opportunity, challenge, or obstacle in life.

Two Fast Finish CDs to accelerate your learning. On these two CDs you will be able to listen to the Coaching CDs from the Main Course at a super-rapid pace, making it easier to review the material and imprint it into your inner, genius mind.

And the crowning jewel: Three Inspirational Conversation CDs that expand and extend the coaching sessions with additional pearls of wisdom, insight, and instruction on how to apply the lessons of your life.

We are confident that No Matter What! will elevate your life and help you live on your mountain top!

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