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Lee Holden – The Five Elements Qigong Online Program

Lee Holden – The Five Elements Qigong Online Program

Lee Holden – The Five Elements Qigong Online Program

In the Five Elements QiGong online course, you will learn ancient Qi Gong healing secrets to awaken your body’s innate healing abilities.

In other words… a grounded “healing framework” for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health with nothing but simple, easy-to-understand healing Qi Gong movements.

So, what are the Five Elements?

The Five Elements are core and fundamental to any Qi Gong practice. They are a reflection of your own internal energy in relationship to nature. They are:

  • Wood
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Metal
  • Earth

Now when you learn the Five Elements healing framework, you realize your innate connection to nature. And just like when you study an animal in its natural habitat, you must look at the larger ecosystem as well. If you don’t, you miss the most important clues.

Your body is no different. Nothing in your body can be isolated from the rest of your body.

The All your organs have a physical function and an energetic function. Each function relates to one of the Five Elements.

In essence, the Five Elements is a healing framework. A framework you can use to recognize imbalances in your body, mind, emotions, and spirit… and heal them.

For example, one of the exercises you learn in week two, is how to use your breath as a tool for personal transformation.

Working with your breath is one of the foundational practice of Qi Gong.

Your breath is a reflection of your Qi… and can be used as a powerful medicine and healing elixir for your body. You’ll learn how to use your breath to re-energize your body and transform stress into vitality.

How to heal yourself with your breath is just one of the many exercises, meditations, and techniques you’ll learn in The Five Elements Qigong Online Program.

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