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Lauren Walker – Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing

Lauren Walker – Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing

Lauren Walker – Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing

Learn simple, conscious, body-wise movements — to use in the moment and throughout your life — for remedying everyday stress and underlying trauma.

Release emotional energy that can cause stress and disease using ancient techniques and modern science to rebalance and heal your energy-mind-body-spirit.

What You’ll Learn In Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing

In the Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing, Lauren Walker will guide you through the fundamental techniques of Energy Medicine Yoga — practices you can use for a lifetime to remedy stress and anxiety, heal trauma, increase your vitality, help prevent disease, and live a more fulfilling and joyous life.

The Energy Medicine Yoga for Healing will feature teachings and experiential practices with Lauren Walker. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to make Energy Medicine Yoga a daily practice that can calm you in the moment, give you simple ways to deal with ongoing triggers, and provide effective approaches to mitigate the emotional residue of trauma.

Module 1: Befriend Your Fight-or-Flight Response

In this opening module, Lauren Walker will welcome you into how Energy Medicine Yoga works, with a look at the essential rules of the energy systems that govern the body. You’ll start with an exploration of how your body is actually comprised of overlapping fields of energy that appear solid. Once you understand this intellectually, you’ll get to experience it physically in your body. You’ll find out immediately how and why energy is the easiest to shift among the four pieces that make you who you are: energy-body-mind-spirit.

Next, you’ll explore “Triple Warmer,” the most important system for healing from trauma, releasing stress, and evolving into your best self. This is the energy system that governs your immune system, your habits, and your fight-flight-freeze response. Triple Warmer is the protector of all your energy systems, and if it’s out of order, it can keep you stuck in a feedback loop of trauma and stress. You’ll learn how to befriend and retrain this energy system to keep it from constantly going into overdrive.

Module 2: Wake Up Your Energy! — Move Fear Into Courage

Every part of your mind, body, experiences, and cycles of life — as well as the seasons of our planet and the planet itself — falls into one of five elements. We’ll start exploring the Five Element Theory, which traces back to ancient Chinese medicine and is a comprehensive system for viewing yourself, the world, and the interdependence of all things. The Five Element Theory empowers you to understand your emotions with respect to your physical body — and gives you a way to align the two for greater harmony.

We’ll also explore the Water element, and how it’s the start of everything, including healing. You’ll find out what emotions are out of balance when Water is out of balance, and what actions help bring it back into balance. We’ll also cover the chakra system — which holds all the information about everything that’s ever happened to you — and ways to easily and gently work with it for healing.

Module 3: Find Your Inner Voice — Stand in Your Power — Speak Your Truth

If you’re under continual stress or in a trauma cycle, you may feel like you’ve lost the ability to be the master of your own life. To regain your power, you need to relearn how to know what you want, how to ask for it, and — crucially — how to receive it.

In this module, you’ll learn how your inner voice can be compromised, and how to bring it back into alignment with your deepest purpose. Equipped with the courage of Water, you’ll receive tools to move forward with the assertiveness of the Wood element.

And if you’ve never experienced a sound healing (and even if you have), you’re in for an incredible treat. Renowned sound-therapy practitioner Eileen McKusick will join us to bring all of our energies together into harmony. We’ll spend the first 10 minutes of class in shavasana, allowing Eileen to tune our group biofield, clearing trauma and stress out of our fields, and preparing you to receive the practice.

Module 4: Free Yourself From Anxiety & Reignite Your Joy!

Feeling joyful is possible. Finding your inner resilience so that you can become a radiant light in the world can happen.

With the Fire element, you’ll discover how to ensure that your inner-joy energy is no longer left defenseless. The protective energy field around your body (your aura, or biofield) is like your spacesuit, keeping out challenging or difficult energies and bringing in beneficial ones. It can become compromised with continual stress and trauma — so in this module, you’ll learn how to bring it back into wholeness to ensure your protection is intact.

And, to further cleanse your aura and your entire system from trauma and stress buildup, we’ll work with ancient energy medicine techniques to literally shake the buildup off and release it.

Module 5: Find Grounding & Home With Love

Please plan to have some massage oil for this practice, preferably organic. Also, we’ll learn the Ayurvedic technique of Nasya in this module. Bring your Nasya oil or sesame oil with you.

Longstanding stress and traumatic experiences can interrupt your relationship with yourself. The good news is that you can restore that relationship. It’s common to blame or shame ourselves for what we’ve gone through or are going through, so this module will give you techniques to help you come into a place of love, compassion, healing, and caring for yourself.

With the Earth element, you’ll embody soothing ways to love yourself again with 100% compassion, 100% of the time. You’ll also discover the gentle power of two Ayurvedic techniques for releasing trauma from the delicate tissues of the body. You’ll learn EMYoga poses to move out of the state of worry into a true state of caring for the self, as if you’re literally caretaking your own inner child — with the same compassion you’d use toward someone else. And you’ll explore the power of your unconscious mind and how you can easily reprogram it with the first powerful tapping tool you’ll learn in this course.

Module 6: Learn Acceptance, Faith & Letting Go

Now that you’ve harvested the wisdom of the full cycle of the wheel, you’ll understand more deeply than ever how everyone goes through hardship, and that there are lessons and gifts to be gained from even the most challenging times. You’ll stop seeing adversity as something inflicted upon you by some intentional force, or seeing yourself as a victim, and you’ll stand in a new position of resilience and strength.

In the Metal element, you get distance as well as perspective into your life. You’re able to release the struggle and come into a place of faith and deeper understanding. This is where you understand that there is a higher power — not necessarily in a religious sense — but in the sense that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and your spirit is always whole no matter what, even when you’ve felt completely broken. This is where you’ll learn how to train your brain instead of being at the mercy of its wild thoughts.

Module 7: Unite Together for Emotional Flow & Ease

Just as each element flows into the next, like the seasons, your emotions flow from one to the next. This understanding gives you valuable information when you can’t flow — to help you find where you’re stuck and how to get unstuck.

In this concluding module, you’ll explore how your emotions move around the Five Element wheel in both the Flow and Control cycles. This will open you to powerful ways of moving the energy of emotions out of your body so they stop getting stuck in your tissues. Now you’ll have a comprehensive set of tools to train your body to come back to center, peace, joy, and health. You’ll integrate the reframing of the trauma or stress you’ve experienced — so you can move forward with resilience and the power to help others. And you’ll have a simple yoga practice you can use for the rest of your life.

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