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Ken Page – The Heart and Soul of True Intimacy

Ken Page – The Heart and Soul of True Intimacy

Ken Page – The Heart and Soul of True Intimacy

Do you believe in the power and importance of deep romantic love and yearn to bring this soul-filling, authentic love into your life — yet feel it’s somehow always just out of reach?

Are you tired of shallow dates, fleeting connections and new relationships that don’t last? AND, if you’re in a relationship, do you long for the spark and deep joy you once had or — better yet — to cultivate deeper intimacy and romantic passion?

What You’ll Learn In The Heart and Soul of True Intimacy

In The Heart and Soul of True Intimacy, you’ll discover you have the power to change your romantic future — by bringing the magic of your unique Core Gifts into your romantic life or your dating life — and turning your path to love into a journey of liberation.

Each video teaching session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to find, illuminate and sustain an authentic, fulfilling love. And don’t worry if you have to miss one or more classes — you’ll receive a recording and transcript of every class.

Module 1: The Greatest Key to Deeper Love

No matter your age, background or relationship status, your journey to deeper love is the greatest mission of your life. It can — and should — be an adventure of healing and self-discovery.

In this foundational module, you’ll discover how our culture’s myths about love have led you away from deeper intimacy. You’ll find that the parts of yourself you were taught to suppress are in fact the true keys to rich, lifelong, soulmate intimacy. And, you’ll learn a new, liberating and joyful way to understand your entire intimacy journey.

You’ll also discover the powerful, life-transforming “SourceWisdom” practice, which will enable you to immediately tap into a rich, surprising inner stream of wisdom that will give you moment-by-moment guidance in your intimacy journey.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 great myths that keep you away from love — and the liberating truths that lead you back
  • The SourceWisdom practice: the single most powerful practice Ken has encountered for finding and nurturing romantic love
  • Three seminal research findings everyone who cares about love should know
  • Why self-improvement often leads us away from love, not toward it
  • How to love yourself first: what no one teaches us

Module 2: Discovering Your Core Gifts Your Unique Intimacy-Genius

Your Core Gifts — your points of deepest sensitivity, passion and meaning — are your greatest key to deeper love. We often think we need to hide or “fix” these vulnerable, often challenging parts of ourselves, but the reverse is true — they are the key to the love we dream of. They are our unique “intimacy-genius.”

In this class, you’ll complete a powerful process to discover your own Core Intimacy Gifts. As you come to understand and honor your Core Gifts, you’ll see your entire relationship history — your struggles, losses and joys — in a whole new way.

If you’re in a relationship, you’ll learn how to discover the precious Core Gifts of your partner. And if you’re single, you’ll learn how to discover the Core Gifts of the people you date. (The greatest gift we can give our loved ones may be the ability to recognize and value their Core Gifts.) You’ll come to envision a new future of love, grounded in the tenderness and power of your own Core Gifts: your innate intimacy-genius.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 great questions that reveal your Core Gifts
  • Why honoring your Core Gifts is the great key to finding and growing love
  • How to identify your own unique Core Gifts
  • How to understand your entire relationship history through the lens of that awareness
  • How your deepest wounds, hurts and insecurities — and your greatest joys — are portals to your Core Gifts

Module 3: Embracing & Expressing Your Core Gifts The Magnificent Challenge of Authentic Love

To find and nourish soulmate love, we must learn to lead with our soul. In this module, you’ll discover how to live in the moment-to-moment power, tenderness and magic of your Core Gifts in your relationships.

Coupled participants will discover how they have ignored or suppressed these nuclear parts of their being in their relationship. Single people will learn how they hide these parts of themselves in their dating life.

As you learn to cherish and express your Core Gifts, be prepared to witness powerful and hopeful shifts in your relationship or your dating life. If you’re dating, you’ll begin to find that you’re less and less interested in people who chip away at your self-esteem. You’ll find yourself becoming more attracted to people who inspire you by their goodness, consistency and availability. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll find a growing sense of vulnerability and authenticity between you and your partner. This is where the “rubber meets the road.”

You’ll also start to create your own Gift Circle — a life-changing experience where the people who love you most help you name and understand your own Core Gifts.

You’ll discover:

  • How to create a Gift Circle — one of the most transformative practices for discovering your Core Gifts
  • How to nurture and express your Core Gifts at every stage of intimacy, from early dating to long-term committed love
  • 8 essential tools for honoring and expressing your gifts
  • What your Core Gifts need from you
  • What no one teaches us about self-love
  • For singles: Using your Core Gifts to lead you to love
  • For those in relationships: Allowing your Core Gifts — and those of your loved one — to bring magic, safety and passion back into your relationship

Module 4: Healing Fear of Intimacy & Discovering Your Next Brave Step

We’ve been taught to see fear of intimacy as a pathology, but our fear of intimacy holds the key to the deepest realms of love. Fear of intimacy is part of the human condition. It’s not meant to be amputated. It’s meant to be listened to.

Our fear of intimacy is greatest where we are the most tender, most passionate, and most vulnerable. In other words where we are most capable of love! In every place we fear intimacy, there is a Core Gift waiting to be honored. When we learn to honor those precious parts of ourselves, our fear of love will begin to melt.

In this class, you’ll learn how fear of intimacy manifests at every stage in the relationship journey — from dating to long term commitment. You’ll learn techniques for listening to the language of your intimacy fears and find out what they need from you. You’ll also learn to identify your partner’s fear of intimacy and begin to learn about the Core Gifts that lie behind his or her fear.

Admitting how we push love away is nothing less than an act of personal greatness. As we find wiser ways to protect our tender inner self, and as we move past our old defensive ways of avoiding vulnerability, we often feel that love almost miraculously starts streaming into our lives.

You’ll discover:

  • An entirely new way to understand fear of intimacy
  • The ways you push love away — even without wanting to
  • The Core Gifts lying at the heart of your fear of intimacy — and those of your beloved
  • Your “next brave steps” for healing your patterns of avoidance of love

Module 5: Discovering Your Sexual & Romantic Core Gifts

Each of us also has sexual and romantic Core Gifts. This class will help you learn how to discover your own, and how to use them to deepen the magic in your relationship.

If you’re seeking lasting, deep love, it’s essential you learn the same lessons of honoring and expressing your Core Gifts — and protecting their safety — in the arena of sexuality. Unfortunately almost none of us have been taught how to do this. Instead, we’ve been taught to compare ourselves to “cookie-cutter” romantic and sexual stereotypes.

In this class, you’ll learn first and foremost, how to create sexual and romantic safety for your partner. You’ll also discover how to find your own sexual and romantic Core Gifts in the places where love begins to ignite: where tenderness meets sexual desire.

Single people will discover how the beauty of their sexual and romantic Core Gifts can build a foundation for a love that can grow and blossom. You’ll also discover solutions to the sexual issues and problems faced by many long-term couples, such as sexual stagnancy, loss of passion and differing sex drives.

All participants will learn the tools to discover and understand their own sexual and romantic Core Gifts and those of their partner. There are worlds of learning around sex that we’re never taught. And truly spiritual sex and love are based upon that learning.

You’ll discover:

  • How to identify and discover your essential sexual Core Gifts
  • A powerful, simple technique to profoundly deepen romantic and sexual intimacy
  • Specific research-based techniques for developing and intensifying sexual and romantic connection with a partner at any stage of the intimacy journey
  • How to expand your capacity to work with attractions that threaten to knock you off-balance
  • The two most important questions for bringing deeper humanity, love and sexual depth into your relationship

Module 6: Rupture & Repair Your Deepest Personal Love Lessons

Healthy love isn’t a static state. It is an ongoing process of “rupture and repair.” Amazingly, the deepest ruptures and the most profound repairs occur at the point of our Core Gifts, because it is at these points that we can be hurt the most — and where we are capable of loving with the most passion, tenderness and beauty.

Each of us has deeply embedded, often unconscious patterns of behavior that bewilder us and cause pain for us and our loved ones. These patterns demand even greater compassion, effort and patience. Most of all, they need our wisdom.

These embedded places of pain and dysfunction are in some ways the greatest gold of all, because they are our deepest love-lessons. Every time we approach them with extra wisdom, kindness and truth, our compassion grows. Our wisdom grows. And our ability to navigate the whitewaters of love increases profoundly.

With this knowledge, we can build a language of healing with our beloved — and that’s when love grows roots deep enough to withstand countless challenges.

If you’re single and looking for a relationship, you’ll also experience rupture and repair — but now you’ll know to only choose partners who are willing to do the deep work that this entails.

In this class, we will learn one of the most powerful processes to move from rupture to repair. This process — which begins by honoring your own feelings first — has the power to transform your relationships and your life. When you learn the skills of moving authentically from rupture to repair, not just “swallowing hurt,” it’s as if a shadow is lifted from your heart.

You’ll discover:

  • How to extricate your Core Gifts from the wounds and defensive behaviors that surround them
  • Two powerful tools to use this knowledge to find love, heal relationship wounds and build lifelong bonds of trust
  • The single most powerful process we know for working through conflict in a relationship
  • A simple process for naming your deepest personal love-lessons
  • How to understand the deeper meaning of your intimacy pain-points

Module 7: Loving & Being Loved Into Fullness

In this final module, you’ll reflect on your learning, growth and changes during this course. Through a set of powerful and evocative exercises, you’ll deepen your understanding of your most essential Core Gifts, and chart the next steps in your own intimacy journey.

It’s essential that you learn to see your patterns of growth, and understand what holds you back and what speeds up your journey. You’ll be invited to look back and see your patterns of healing, and the things that held you back through the journey of this course.

You’ll tap into your own deepest wisdom and the wisdom of those in your course community to look ahead to the illumined path you’ve charted for yourself, the stuck points you can expect to revisit, and the wisdom that will help you through and beyond them.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Discover ways to express your Core Intimacy Gifts and how to negotiate the wounds and challenges that surround them
  • Share with other class members the Core Gifts you have seen in them
  • Receive guidance from your own truest Self — and your loved ones — to help you take concrete next steps in your deeper path to love
  • Identify sources of support for your deeper journey into intimacy now that the course is ending

About Ken Page

Ken Page, LCSW is a renowned psychotherapist, popular Psychology Today blogger, Huffington Post blogger and author of the bestselling book Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy. Ken Page has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine,, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, Fox News, WPIX-TV News The Advocate, The Chicago Tribune and more. Ken Page’s work has been read by millions, and Ken Page has led hundreds of workshops on intimacy and spirituality for thousands of participants of all ages, backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities.

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