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Jon Sinn – The Jon Sinn Library of Game

Jon Sinn – The Jon Sinn Library of Game

Jon Sinn – The Jon Sinn Library of Game

Discover Every Single Strategy, Technique, Mindset, and Word-for-Word Lines and Routines That Have Made Me One of the Greatest Pickup Artists on the Planet.

Unlock the Jon Sinn Library of Game Including 42 Training Programs.

What You’ll Learn In The Jon Sinn Library of Game

Program 1: Day Game A-Z Mastery

The complete recordings of my famous seminar on day game where you’ll learn every single technique and strategy for meeting and seducing women during the day. Discover the best opening lines, how to transition, where to meet girls, and so much more.

The Day Game A-Z Mastery Workbook. Get convenient transcripts of the entire seminar, along with a workshop outlining every exercise for meeting and attracting more women during the daytime than you could ever imagine.

Sinn’s Day Game Infield Footage and Commentary. See everything you learn put into action in this video full of LIVE infield “hidden camera” footage of everything Jon covers in the seminar.

Program 2: Complete Guide to Sexual Texting

Discover exactly how to turn a text exchange “sexual” without coming across as creepy or weird

How to plant ‘sexual thoughts’ of you in a girls mind when she’s not with you, so that she begins to fantasize about being with you again

The 9 “sub personalities” of her you can bring out over text, and word-for-word examples of the messages to send

Program 3: Attraction Mastery

You’ll learn the 8 types of attraction, why you need to weave each of them if you really want to get a woman fully invested in seeing you again.

Based off my experience most guys only try to create one or two types of attraction and because of this the girls they talk to wind up losing interest or never get “hot” enough to sleep with them.

You’ll also learn my 21 skills of attraction so that you have countless techniques you can use for EVERY phase of an interaction with a woman, with word-for-word examples of all 21 skills.

Program 4: The Seduction Roadmap

My 5 module “Flagship Program” that teaches you my five step system for going from friendly to sexual and closing the deal.

How to completely eliminate the “sexual beliefs” holding you back from making your move

How to quickly spark sexual attraction, overcome every objection using “sexual framing” and unleash her wild and sexual side

Program 5: The Seduction Roadmap Master Academy

16 weekly videos containing demonstration videos of all the techniques taught in my Seduction Roadmap Training program

More in-depth strategies for creating a more “sexualized persona”

A bonus section on using the Sexual Roadmap on a female friend

Program 6: Conversation Mastery

This is my mastery video program on developing the “conversation skills” to seduce a woman, whether she’s a girl you’re on a date with, a female friend, or a woman you just met in bar.

You’ll learn how to become an INTERESTING conversationist using a variety of easy to remember techniques that help you speak more spontaneously about dozens of different topics.

Discover how to string “conversation topics” to keep a conversation going forever, and how to personalize a conversation so that the women feels like the two of you are connecting a deep, intimate level.

Program 7: Science of Micro-Expressions

The Science Of Micro-Expressions Multi-Media Mini Course includes a video, PDF, and MP3 detailing how to read a woman’s subtle facial expressions

The absolute easiest way to tell if a woman is sexually attracted to you (you’ll sleep with an extra 2-3 girls a month easily when you can notice this one)

Micro-Expressions are shown in 3 different places: the eyes, mid-face and mouth. You’ll discover the EXACT things to look for in each of these places to tell if a woman wants you…

Program 8: The Ultimate Guide to Approaching Women

A complete 5 video course where you’ll discover how to effortlessly approach a woman and start a conversation with her, without getting rejected.

A complete collection of my all-time favorite “openers” for initiating conversation with women in a way that sparks interest and attraction so I can easily set up a date.

The art of “transitioning away from the opener” so that after you spark a conversation you can easily move the conversation in a fun and flirtatious zone that gets her attracted to you.

Program 9: 90 Day Game Changer

The 90-Day Game Changer Coaching Program Is The “P90X of Pick-Up” That Is Going To Have You Blasting Through Your Sticking Points And Making Progress Faster And Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible.

6 Modules covering the fundamental areas of game, and practice routines that will help you get results faster.

Everything from “inner game” changes to “outer game” tweaks you can make over the next 90 days to sky rocket results.

Program 10: Sexual Triggers

Includes both the 5 video Sexual Trigger program and the extended Mastery program including 27 full-length Videos.

Discover the 25 specific ‘sexual triggers’ that you can use to fill a woman will sexual desire.

My favorite 10 “Secret routines” to bring out a woman’s sexual side in an under the radar way.

Program 11: The First Date Formula

This three video program walks you through the date that I’ve created proven to lead to sex and relationships with the woman who experience it. You’ll see what the differences were between first dates that end with awkward hug (and no second date) vs. those that end with the two people having sex or entering a relationship..

Exactly what to say on a date to build a sexual connection with a woman (hint: if a woman doesn’t feel sexual desire for you then it doesn’t matter how much fun she had, she won’t want to see you again).

A complete walk through of my physical escalation ladder so that you know exactly what you need to be doing every step of the date to make sure you’re moving things to a more ‘intimate level.’/li>

Program 12: Destination Girlfriend

6 Full-Length videos dedicated to how to meet, date, and turn a woman into your girlfriend.

I’ll walk you through the different strategies you use before and after you sleep with a woman to keep the relationship moving forward.

Discover how to set up a relationship so that you’re the one holding the power and the upper hand, and she’s constantly trying to impress and win you over.

Program 13: Secrets of Sexual Acceleration

A complete video course on how to be more “sexually assertive” so that you can take things to a sexual level faster with the woman you’re meeting and eliminate any ‘mental blocks’ to quickly getting sexual with a girl.

How to profile girls who are more open to one night stands, going home with you the same night you meet, and how to increase your ‘sexual persona’ when you meet these women so you don’t blow it with them.

Dozens of cool tricks, tips, and techniques for accelerating sexual attraction in a woman, getting her alone with you, and closing the deal in as little time as possible (which everyone knows is my specialty).

Program 14: The Chase Formula

4 Full-Length videos showing you exactly how to get a woman chasing you (instead of the other way around).

The 10 BEST tools for playing hard to get, including examples and exactly how to use them.

Specific and Detailed ways to move the interaction forward after you have the girl chasing you.

Program 15: Secrets of Getting Laid on Tinder

4 Full-Length videos showing you exactly how I use Tinder to meet and sleep with cool, sexy girls.

How to set up your profile and choose pictures that will attract the RIGHT TYPE of Tinder girls to you.

The exact types of messages you can send to make sure you get up dates and set the “right vibe” off the bat.

Program 16: 100 Days to Rock Solid Inner Game

12 full-length videos walking you through every aspect I’ve personally used to elevate my “inner game” and destroy my anxieties around women.

After you complete this course you’ll shed “nice guy” tendencies and have rock solid confidence drawing women toward you.

You’ll get a step-by-step blueprint so that over the next 100 days you’ll be able to control your state, eliminate any “sexual anxiety”, weed any negative beliefs about women, and develop a deep understanding of the phycology of women so that you feel like you can predict their every move.

Program 17: Effortless Conversation System

Includes a video, MP3, and workbook detailing my simple and insightful system for never running out of things to say.

Ways to create that “I feel like I’ve known you for years” feeling with a total stranger!

The 3 magical conversation topics that you can ALWAYS fall back on to create an instant connection!

Program 18: Secrets of 5 Minute Chemistry & Master’s Degree Weekly Lessons

Videos and workbooks walking you through the steps to create “the vibe” with a woman within the first five minutes of a conversation.

Includes 19 total videos, including the 16 “Master’s Degree” videos that go even more in-depth on each technique covered in the main program.

The “secret weapon” to creating explosive chemistry that NO other expert even knows about!

Program 19: Prince Charming Effect

Never before released 5 video program teaching you how to identify a woman’s “personality type” and then tailor your seduction to her specific type.

Discover all 8 types of women, and how to instantly recognize which of the eight categories your girl falls into.

A seduction “game plan” for each of the eight types of women, so you essentially become her Prince Charming playing into her exact fantasy.

Program 20: Escape the Friend Zone

4 Full-Length videos walking you through my 4 steps to escape the friend zone and wind up in bed with your female friend.

How to use Hot and Cold behavior to ignite the chase and have her working to impress you.

How to display your passion to a female friend in a way that shows her another side of you that she eager to explore more of.

Program 21: Sexual Mind Control

5 Full-Length videos showing you how to control a woman’s attention, emotions, and thoughts so you can gain compliance over her in the bedroom.

How to use “Emotional Fluidity” to keep a woman constantly obsessed with being around you, with specific techniques for creating it.

How to make a woman WANT to be you’re “sexual slave”, do whatever you say, and completely give herself over to you in the bedroom.

Program 22: Automatic Attraction

3 Full-Length videos teaching you my favorite methods for meeting and attracting women without ever having to approach them (and without using online dating).

How to position yourself as the man in your “social scene” that all the women want to get closer to (where you become a celebrity to them).

How to master the art of “qualifying” women so that you always appear to be the one in higher demand.

Program 23: Conversational Power

6 Full-Length videos teaching my favorite conversation skills that demonstrate you are in control of the conversation and leading it towards attraction.

How to design a “stack” of things to talk about so that you never run out of things to say or lose steam.

My secret for “conveying personality” in the most attractive way possible to any woman you talk to.

Program 24: The Flake Proof Formula

5 Full-Length videos & Flake elimination workbook that shows you how to stop women from flaking on dates or not returning your texts.

Everything you need to do BEFORE getting a girls phone number to ensure that she’ll be receptive to your calls or texts.

How to master phone & text game after a date so that you continue to build attraction and she doesn’t slip away.

Program 25: Relationship Mastery

This complete video course walks you through how to make a woman fall in love with you and want a relationship with you, even if she initially only saw you as ‘friend’ or casual hookup.

Learn the 3 levels of a relationship so that you know exactly where you stand and what you need to do to move it to the next level.

How to master “alternative relationships” if you’re looking for things like ‘friends with benefits’ or ‘open relationships’ and how to identify the women that would be interested in these various types of relationships.

Program 26: Get Laid More University

13 MONTHS worth of lessons from my Get Laid More University weekly study course providing you everything you need to master the game.

Each month contains a mix of videos, audio, and reports providing you word-for-word examples of exactly what to do and say.

You get the entire 13 month curriculum instantly, so you can pick and choose which topics and techniques you want to master.

Program 27: Sexual Intelligence

6 Full-Length videos that show you how to think, act, and feel like a “sexually intelligent” man with years of sexual experience (even if you’re inexperienced).

The proven formula for developing rock-solid sexual confidence. Develop an “instinctual” understanding of what a woman needs to move forward sexually.

You’ll discover how to know exactly where a woman is right now (emotional, physically, sexually) and what she needs to move things forward.

Program 28: How to Get Girls to Chase You

4 Full-Length videos outlining a strategy I use to create the “Chase Me” effect early in a conversation with a woman.

My favorite “qualification” and “investment” tactics that have a woman trying to “earn points” with me (instead of the other way around).

How to play “hard to get” without losing her interest.

Program 29: Automatic Approaching

5 Full-Length videos showing you my proven system that will have you fearlessly approaching the hot women you really want.

My all-time favorite “opening lines” that make approaching and opening a woman easy and rejection proof.

How to “Follow Up” after your opening line so that conversation comes easy and natural.

Program 30: Sexual Mindreading

An entire video and report dedicated to my single most powerful technique for unleashing a woman’s wild side.

Word-for-word examples of Sexual Mindreading in action!

How to use the power of “sexual stereotypes” to get women into bed! This is a form of “sexual jiu-jitsu” where you use the deep aspects of a woman’s mind for your benefit..

Program 31: Sidewalk Seduction

2 full reports and audio that reveals my method for meeting women while walking down the street.

My bulletproof strategy for getting a woman’s attention during the day, and quickly getting her phone number.

Opening lines, topics, and flirting techniques to create attraction in the fast paced environment of day game.

Program 32: Sexual Fluency

5 Full-Length videos training Program that shows you how to “talk” and “act” in a seductive way.

You’ll discover the simple step-by-step method for creating and maintaining sexual tension, and to keep it alive on dates, over the phone, and back and your place.

You’ll get the exact tactics and word-for-word examples of how to “sexualize” a conversation within minutes.

Program 33: Get Laid More Home Study Course

The Get Laid More Home Study Course is an action-packed six CD digital course that will take you inside the minds of the world’s greatest pick-up artists.

The most infamous pickup artist of all time reveal their secrets for 10-minute lays, lifestyle mastery, handling the logistics of closing the deal, and getting sexual fast.

A complete tactic packed training on “Sexalation” featuring advice from 6 of the greatest pickup artists of all time.

Program 34: Rapid Sexual Encounters

The 6 video Rapid Sexual Encounters Coaching Program which will teach you everything you need to know to get hot women into bed FAST and will open up an entire world of sexual options for you!

Secrets of Rapid Arousal: Both the verbal and physical ways to get hot women so turned on that they’ll want to rip off your clothes.

Sexual Screening: How to identify with 100% certainty the women that you know for a fact want to sleep with you.

Program 35: Fantastic Over 40

5 Full-Length videos specifically designed to help men over 40 reclaim their edge and seduce hot, quality women.

Discover what makes an “older man” attractive to a woman and how to play into the sexy stereotype women have of older men.

Which of “type” of women are more likely to be attracted to “older men” and how to approach these women the right way.

Program 36: Unlock the Secrets of Sexual Attraction

An entire video and report dedicated to what I refer to as the “MUST DO” items when it comes to sparking sexual attraction.

This is the perfect report to review before a date with a woman to make sure you stay on track.

5 top secret, sneaky ways to sexual attraction that works every time regardless of your looks, age or income!

Program 37: Stripper Code: How to Seduce Strippers, Bartenders, and Waitresses

If you’ve ever fallen in love with a girl working at the bar or club and wanted to a concrete blueprint for seducing her, then this video complete video training is specifically for you.

How to break out of the “customer frame” and get strippers or bartenders seeing you as a high value guy they would meet up with after work for sex or relationships.

Learn how to quickly identify her “sub personality” and use it to seduce her in the exact style she’s looking to be seduced.

Program 38: Sexual Power

5 Full-length videos on unleashing your own “sexual power” so that you dominant and confident in the bedroom.

How to master the verbal and non verbal “sexual signals” you are unconsciously sending a woman that tells her how good you’re likely to be in bed.

How to gain confidence to go for “big moves” like going for the kiss, inviting her back to your place, or beginning to undress her.

Program 39: Advanced Strategies for Sexual Comfort

110 Page Break Through Comfort workbook, and 6 audio lessons, detailing my infamous strategy for making a woman fall in love with you (even if you’re not her type)

A collection of my all time favorite “routines” for making a woman desperately to sleep with you.

An advanced lesson on “Sexual Framing” my powerful technique for creating a ‘sexual atmosphere’ in a conversation.

Program 40: Day Game 3.0

The 5 Full-Length video program that was the follow up to my A-Z Day Game Mastery Seminar that dives deeper into day game tactics I taught at the seminar.

My newest, tested, daytime opening lines that quickly get a conversation started and eliminate the chance of being rejected early on.

My newest “sexual techniques” that you can use when meeting a woman during the day that won’t weird her out or make you seem creepy.

Program 41: 12 Months to Mastery

52 Weekly Video Lessons each going deep on one specific pickup or seduction technique to add to your arsenal.

The 52 video lessons cover everything from the fundamentals of body language to my most “advanced” techniques.

Get the full experience by going through one lesson per week, and building upon your skills until you achieve mastery.

Program 42: Dozens of Bonuses

There are too many bonus programs to mention.

You get all the original bonus reports, videos, and audio programs that came with the every program listed above.

The bonuses alone are worth more than I’m selling this entire package for.

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