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Jevon Dangeli – Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Jevon Dangeli – Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter Overview

The Mind Over Matter recording is designed to connect you with your own inner resources and deeper intelligence, thus enabling you to deal effectively with most of life’s challenges. It’s a powerful method to improve intuition and self awareness.

In this recording you will learn the Mind Over Matter technique, as well as enjoy being guided through this profoundly mind expanding process.

The simple and effective skill that you learn is an effective way of positively programming your Unconscious Mind – the part of you that’s responsible for all the results (positive and negative) that you have ever achieved and will ever achieve in your life!

Mind Over Matter is one of the Authentic Self Empowerment™ processes designed to assist you to transcend limiting mind sets. You will be gently guided through a unique therapeutic process to overcome perceived obstacles so that you can move with greater ease in the direction of your desires and emotional freedom.

Although you don’t need to have a problem to benefit from listening to this recording, it can be used as a tool to help you in times of uncertainty, indecision and emotional turmoil. Any crisis or dilemma which results in anguish, procrastination or panic can be alleviated using this innovative audio-visual product.

More details about Mind Over Matter

The trick to effectively programming your Unconscious Mind is using a form of Self Hypnosis that utilises what we in HNLP refer to as your “End State Energy”. This is the overall feeling or emotion that is associated with the accomplishment of your deepest desires. Eliciting this state is the key to accessing your deeper knowledge and skills so that you are clear about what to do and motivated to keep on doing it.

The Mind Over Matter process enables you to elicit and connect with your relevant End State Energy in any context. This includes the utilisation of ‘progression techniques’ that include metaphoric use and integration of your ‘future wiser self’. These are pioneering ways in which you can harness and focus the power of your Unconscious Mind.

Relevant states are the optimal ways in which you can access and direct your Unconscious Mind for fulfilling results. Action steps that come to mind while you’re in your End State Energy are always the most appropriate steps to take. This is called “following your bliss” by Joseph Campbell. The Mind Over Matter process makes Campbell’s philosophy a practical and achievable skill for anyone to use, including our version for children – Sam’s World.

Although this recording is a stand alone product that has helped many people improve their lives, it also forms an integral part of some of our comprehensive audio-programmes that are compiled to suite each individual’s needs. 2 examples of our popular audio-programmes are STOP SMOKING and Effortless Weight Loss (soon to be completed.).

You could say good-bye to ineffective methods, excessive medications and expensive consultations. Reap the benefits of our ground-breaking audio-programmes in privacy, with the option of support by telephone/Skype and email. Save time, money and your sanity. Our professional audio-programmes work! If you’re not happy with the results, we’ll refund you. If you would like us to compile an audio-programme to suit your specific requirements, please inquire.

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