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Jack Manley – The Manley Method

Jack Manley – The Manley Method

Jack Manley – The Manley Method

​Exclusive video analysis from my own footage that breaks down the subtleties of attracting any woman.

​Detailed explanations of what women really want and WHY they want it.

​How to tap into a girl’s emotions to get her to fall for you within seconds of meeting her. (You’ve seen my videos, right?)

​Why looks, money, fame, and status hardly mean anything when you learn how to be the best option for a girl (and how to become the guy that is her best option!)

​How to leverage the desires of the female psyche to make any girl be attracted to you

​How to overcome approach anxiety and start talking to 10/10 girls without being nervous whatsoever


  • How to come across as a high value man, regardless of looks, money, or fame
  • Learn to completely embrace who you are as a person and no longer be afraid to be your true self
  • Become the life of the party and have women approach you
  • ​How to have fun and stay positive, even after facing rejection
  • ​Become an alpha male and command respect from both men and women


  • ​Realize your true value and stop putting women on a pedestal
  • ​How women will pressure and test you to see if you really are “the man”
  • ​How to stop being nice and finally escape the “friend zone”
  • ​How to hold your ground during confrontation


  • ​Never run out of things to say during a conversation and keep things interesting
  • ​​How to build attraction with your words to have her fall for you
  • ​What to say to get her to come home with you, without coming across as “creepy”


  • ​How to overcome approach anxiety so you are never afraid to talk to any girl, even supermodels
  • ​Where to meet girls both in person and online
  • ​How to come across as a 10/10 man and avoid being called “creepy” or a “weirdo”


  • ​How to find your path in life and completely dominate any career you choose
  • ​How to develop “rockstar” confidence that will have girls swooning over you
  • ​What to do with your money and set boundaries so girls don’t take advantage of you

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