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Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Big Kahuna Bundle

Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Big Kahuna Bundle

Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Big Kahuna Bundle

The recordings in Big Kahuna Bundle approach your relationship with money from a number of unique angles and help you to let go of tricky financial sticking points that keep you from the fullness of the abundant life.

Let go of your scarcity consciousness, resistance to success, feelings of “I can’t,” your feelings about selling or being sold that block the flow.

Unwrap the well-intentioned “gifts” your parents gave you about money, beliefs that no longer serve you that you inherited from them.

Release your specific and personal money issues that keep you stuck.

Free yourself of any feelings of enslavement to the clock, the paycheck, work, your boss, your business, those whom you support or whatever makes you feel locked in or tied down.

What you’ll learn in Sedona Method – Big Kahuna Bundle

The Freedom to Be Bundle

  • This collection of audio files helps you discover the truth of who you are by helping you let go of the things that stand in the way of your inner freedom.
  • Experience the ground-breaking 14-minute release that helps you to discover the hook that keeps all of your stories, as well as all the feelings, pictures, thoughts, beliefs, wants, attachment and aversion to those stories in motion in your life. It then helps you to unhook from all your perceived problems and rest as that which is beyond all your stories.
  • Let go of your favorite beliefs of what you think freedom has to be like that’s different from what you are experiencing now and let go of spiritual beliefs you’ve been cherishing to see what freedom is on the other side.
  • Let go of any sense of conflict you may be experiencing between The Sedona Method and any other work that you’ve done.
  • Welcome what is here and now and experience the emptiness upon which all sensations arise.Let go of both the past and the future. This includes your past, your memory, forgetting and remembering, all anticipation of what will happen, waiting and the future to rest as that which is not bound by time.

Bad Habit Help Bundle

  • Bad habits are created when you try to alleviate an aversion without going directly to the source of the conflict. A bad habit becomes challenging to undo when the alternate method of alleviation is repeated over and over again until it becomes identified with the conflict.
  • We’ve assembled this collection of recordings to help you loosen your hold on any bad habit you’d like to rid yourself of.
  • Release on the problem that bothers you the most, the one you think about all the time.
  • Learn an alternative to using advantages and disadvantages for releasing a habit.
  • Let go of both the past and the future, including what happened to you in the past and all anticipation of the future.
  • Let go of “control freak” tendencies such as wanting to control or change the past, situations where you “knew best,” and systems and relationships you want to control.
  • Whatever your habit, unhook your “slave consciousness” to it and rest as that which is beyond both master and slave.

Ugh, My Body Bundle

  • Listen Online or Download To Take It With You
  • Bad feelings about your body can make your life much harder than it needs to be. This collection of releases can help you get on the road to loving and appreciating your body just as it is, as well as taking any actions you desire to be sure it looks and feels like you want it to.
  • Let go of your favorite body issues including fat, pain, fatigue, issues around eating and elimination, and unhealthy ways you may be using your body. You will also…
  • Get advice and action steps on having the body you want with the help of releasing.
  • Let go of your favorite body problem, all attachment and aversion you have to it, and the whole construct you’ve built up around it.
  • Let go of your whole story of being fat, including the judgments you or others may have about your body, beliefs such as “fat makes you safe,” and sabotaging your goals.
  • Release any identification with “eating, drinking, pooping or peeing,” including issues around the amount you eat and being comfortable eating with others or alone.
  • Discover how you have been using the body to get approval, control, separation or oneness and learn how to move beyond the appearance of being the body for your greater mental and physical well-being.

Relationship Matters Bundle

  • Listen Online or Download To Take It With You
  • This collection of releases helps you address common sensitive areas and tripping up places in your relationships. This bundle can be used to create harmony and deeper connection with your significant other or any other important relationship in your life
  • Release on any desire to control or be controlled by your parents or significant other.
  • Let go of feelings and judgments about putting others first before you.
  • Finally find peace after the loss of a significant relationship, past or future.
  • Dispel any feelings of hatred you have for any part of life.
  • Let go of the thing you like least about the person you care most about.
  • Deal with issues of betrayal, attachment and much more.

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