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Gary van Warmerdam – Recapitulation

Gary van Warmerdam – Recapitulation

Gary van Warmerdam – Recapitulation

How do you clear up your emotional baggage from the past? You mind tends to cling to emotional events and replay them, often over and over. Sometimes it does this years later. Your mind is re-firing neural pathways that have become an automatic habit. It is possible to change how these neural pathways fire.

When you re-visit a memory you can alter the neural pathways that fire so you have a different experience of that memory. Most importantly, you can release the emotions associated to those events. The recapitulation process guides you through changing these memories freeing you from their trapped energy of emotions.

Introducing Recapitulation

Recapitulation is a breathwork process for releasing the emotions, energy, negative thoughts and beliefs stored in memory. It is a method for freeing yourself from the emotional baggage you collected in your past. In the recapitulation process you visit emotional memories stored in your mind, discharge their energy, and build new neural pathways so your mind works in a healthier way.

I recommend using the recapitulation practices when one or both of these criteria are met:

1) you establish your ability to be the observer or your thoughts and emotions. This can be done by practicing the exercises in the Self Mastery courses.

2) You discover that you have many memories with with unresolved emotions still attached to them. These may be from childhood, school, or intimate partners, siblings or past spouses. The recapitulation process works effectively at letting go of the emotional energy in memories.

Through Recapitulation practices you will reduce and possibly eliminate negative self talk and emotional reactions. In the process you recover tremendous amounts of personal power stored in those emotional memories that allows you to change habits and behaviors in your life.

What You’ll Learn In Recapitulation

The Recapitulation Audio series consists of eight separate audios. The first four sessions build your awareness and practice of using your breath as a vehicle for moving emotions and energy in the body. The fifth session is a guided practice of releasing thoughts, emotions, and changing neural patterns from past events. The last three audios use the Recapitulation skills you learned to work on your past relationships, sensations and emotions held in the body, and different thoughts that arise. You can then use the audios to continue to guide you through various past events, and clean up the emotional memories, or you can practice on your own with your own guidance.

The recapitulation process works to change the memories of the past. By recalling memories in a particular way, you can alter the activation of neural pathways, and change the emotions associated with that memory.

Memories exist as a system of neuron patterns firing in the brain. Science has shown that memories are not fixed. The neural patterns that fire related to a memory can and do change over time, but not always. With Recapitulation you consciously change the neural pattern of the memory in a way that removes the emotion, changes the perspective, and even changes the beliefs that were created at that time.

An example of how a memory can change is when something that was embarrassing at the time, becomes something funny that you laugh about later. Another example is when you forgive someone. You change the emotion related to an even and that person, as well as how you interpret that event form then on. Something or someone that was a painful memory becomes something you are at peace with. The Recapitulation process works to accomplish these types of changes. In the Recapitulation process you heal the emotions from events that you remember. You will also find that you can access many forgotten memories into your conscious awareness to be emotionally healed as well.

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