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Dondi Dahlin & Titanya Monique Dahlin – Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

Dondi Dahlin & Titanya Monique Dahlin – Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

Dondi Dahlin & Titanya Monique Dahlin – Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

Experience the healing, joy, and embodiment of belly dancing as energy medicine for your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Awaken your true essence through sacred ceremony — tailored to balance your dominant elemental energy type.

What You’ll Learn In Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

In Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony, Dondi Dahlin and Titanya Monique Dahlin will guide you through an in-depth experience of each element, help you determine which element or elements match your personality, and teach you gentle belly dance movements and other self-empowering and self-caring exercises to help you align with your unique elemental energy.

Awaken the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony will feature seven online video modules with Dondi and Titanya. Each module will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to be fully engaged with life and enjoy more happiness and self-love.

Module 1: Why Belly Dance & What Are the Five Elements?

In this first class, Dondi and Titanya will share their vision for this powerful training so you’ll be grounded and prepared for the lessons to come…

Dondi and Titanya will guide you through the Chinese Five Elements, introducing one each module and enhancing it with fun and easy belly dance movements. You’ll then follow along with them as you combine the movements into brief yet powerful combinations.

You’ll also receive new self-care practices to connect you with the elements and make your journey even more profound.

Along the way, you’ll establish a deeper connection with yourself, other people in your life, and your own divine feminine…

  • Lesson 1: How It Works — Belly Dancing & the Chinese Five Elements
  • Lesson 2: The Power of the Chinese Five Elements
  • Lesson 3: Your Opening Ceremony

Module 2: Discover the First Element — Water

During your second class with Dondi and Titanya, you’ll come to deeply understand the beauty and mystery of Water, the first of the Five Elements.

Metaphorically, this is the beginning — nothing comes before Water in the Chinese Five Elements. As you’ll discover, those with Water signs are quite emotionally deep, taking in everything around them. Whether you or someone you love identifies with the Water sign, you’ll discover that one of Water’s gifts is the ability to slow down and not miss out on life’s little details…

  • Lesson 1: Characteristics of People Who Identify With the Water Sign
  • Lesson 2: Movement With Titanya
  • Lesson 3: Why Water Means Self-Empowerment

Module 3: Wood — Tap Into the Peaceful Power of the Wood Element

Everyone sees the world in a different light — and this module, you’ll explore how the Wood personality type sees what’s wrong with the world…

And, as you’ll discover, they usually have a perfect solution for how to fix it.

  • Lesson 1: Understanding the Wood Type — Whether You Know One, or You Are One
  • Lesson 2: Movement With Dondi
  • Lesson 3: Bringing Wood’s Health Boundaries Into YOUR Life

Module 4: Explore the Passion of the Fire Element

In this module you’ll turn on the passion, the spark, and the vitality of the element of Fire!

After sharing the Fire element with you, Dondi and Titanya will give you self-care practices to balance your Fire element over the next week.

The Fire element personality is positive, optimistic, charismatic, funny, and energetic. Fires like to have fun and they like other people to have fun, too. They love to enjoy life and live big — do you?

  • Lesson 1: What Are Fire People Like?
  • Lesson 2: Movement With Dondi & Tityana
  • Lesson 3: Your Fire Ceremony

Module 5: Grounding Yourself in the Element of Earth

In this module you’ll explore the Earth element — a powerful force that makes everyone feel loved.

People who identify with the Earth element accept others for who they are and welcome their vulnerabilities without judgment. They truly believe love is all we need…

  • Lesson 1: Living as an “Earth” — Or Loving One
  • Lesson 2: Movement With Titanya
  • Lesson 3: Your Earth Self-Care Empowerment Ceremony

Module 6: Unlocking the Mysteries of Metal

In this module you’ll discover the final element, Metal. People who identify with the Metal element don’t always seem present.

When they’re present, though, they’re interested in helping people reach their personal best. Because they don’t want to get entangled in issues and problems, they remain focused on what can be gleaned from the situation, and otherwise might seem uninterested in what’s happening. This makes them seem detached and aloof — but as you’ll discover, there’s much more beneath the surface…

  • Lesson 1: Uncovering Metal’s Many Layers
  • Lesson 2: Movement With Dondi & Titanya
  • Lesson 3: Balancing the Metal in Your Life

Module 7: Putting It All in Place for the Journey Ahead

This module is all about integrating what you’ve learned — and celebrating how much you’ve grown.

  • Lesson 1: In this lesson, you’ll learn five Eden Energy Medicine techniques to balance the elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal for a stronger immune system, more vitality, and greater joy. (This will include the full choreography from all five elements, led by Dondi and Titanya.)
  • Lesson 2: In this lesson, you’ll explore mysterious veil dancing techniques.
  • Lesson 3: Lastly, you’ll experience a closing ceremony and empowerment ritual with Titanya.

Module 7 will conclude with a blessing from Dondi and Titanya, where they’ll share their final thoughts and deepest wishes for you.

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