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Debi Silber – Beyond Betrayal

Debi Silber – Beyond Betrayal

Debi Silber – Beyond Betrayal

Receive a proven process for healing betrayal, one that can be the end of dimming your light and the bright beginning of a more confident you.

What You’ll Learn In Beyond Betrayal

In Beyond Betrayal, Dr. Debi Silber will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to move beyond betrayal and into a newly strengthened, more confident self.

Beyond Betrayal will step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dr. Debi Silber. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to move beyond betrayal and into the empowered person you’re called to be.

Module 1: Understanding Betrayal & Shattered Trust — An Overview

Betrayal has an impact on your body, mind, and heart. Blindsided by the person or people you trusted the most, it’s natural to grasp at whatever or whomever you think might ease your pain. Or, conversely, you do nothing and hope that time will repair the wound.

Without correctly healing from this unique type of trauma, you risk remaining sad, stuck, or sick. Betrayal jolts your sense of confidence, belonging, and worthiness. It kicks up feelings of rejection and abandonment.

Because betrayal affects you on every level, it needs to be healed on every level. A proven and predictable roadmap exists for fully healing from betrayal, and you’ll step onto it this session.

Module 2: Three Groundbreaking Discoveries That Change What We Know About Betrayal

Dr. Debi Silber will walk you through how the game-changers she uncovered in her doctoral study — Post Betrayal Transformation, Post Betrayal Syndrome, and the 5 Stages From Betrayal to Breakthrough — can become essential go-tos when you apply them to your situation. Comfortingly, her work confirms the predictability of healing; the full physical, mental, and emotional impact of betrayal; and how betrayal is a different type of trauma that requires a different approach to healing.

Through these respective lenses, you’ll explore how an unhealed betrayal may be affecting your health, work, and relationships — and what to do about it.

Module 3: Stage One — Reprioritizing Your Needs: Emotional & Spiritual Over Physical & Mental

Imagine the four legs of a table: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It’s common to lean heavily on the physical and mental legs and neglect the emotional and spiritual ones. Doing so makes you really good at thinking and doing (using your mind) and not so good at prioritizing feeling and being (tuning in to your heart).

With only two legs strengthened, it’s easy to see how the table topples, which can very much happen if you’ve experienced a betrayal. Balancing the four brings stability.

Module 4: Stage Two — Breakdown of the Body, Mind & Worldview

On “D-Day,” or Discovery Day, you learn the news that stands to forever change life as you’ve known it. The betrayal completely shocks your body, mind, and heart. Physically, the shock ignites your stress response. Mentally, you can’t wrap your mind around what just happened. Your worldview craters. This is the stage where you’re scared, frantic, lost, confused, and desperate to feel better.

It’s time to move on from D-Day. Today’s class will focus on crafting a self-care plan that soothes and supports you while setting you up for lasting healing.

 Module 5: Stage Three — Survival Instincts Emerge

In the aftermath of betrayal, you’re spinning with questions: How will I survive this? Where do I go? Who can I trust? In Stage Three, you figure out some of the answers and, in the process, feel so much better.

Which is why Stage Three can be the hardest to leave. Survival feels so much better than the shock and trauma from which you just emerged, causing you to think, “Whew, I’m OK!”

The problem is, you’re unaware that Stages Four and Five are available to you, so you resign yourself to thinking, “This is as good as it’s going to get; I’d better get used to it.” A few things happen when that’s your belief:

You get used to all kinds of small self-benefits from being in that space: You get to be right. You have someone to blame. Nice.

Next, because you’re feeling less-than, unworthy, undeserving, and unlovable, your energy attracts the same. The mind wants to be proven right, so if those are your beliefs, your mind will find evidence by way of confirmation. If you weren’t already stuck enough in Stage Three, this keeps you glued there.

You’re not happy in this stage, and don’t know how to make the pain go away, so you look for ways to numb, avoid, and distract yourself from the feelings — be it with food, drugs, alcohol, work, TV, keeping busy, people-pleasing, or perfectionism. Diving into these “methods of mass distraction” may keep the feelings at bay, but they do nothing to actually move you through your discomfort; you’re simply trying to outrun it.

Module 6: Stage Four — Finding & Adjusting to a New Normal

In this module, you’ll examine the stage wherein you recognize, accept, and acknowledge that your old normal no longer exists.

You’ll explore how while you can’t undo the betrayal, you can control what you do with it.

You’ll receive help creating a new space that’s worthy and deserving of the new version of you that’s now emerging.

Module 7: Stage Five — Healing, Rebirth & a New Worldview

Here, the body starts to heal. You’re prioritizing yourself and your self-care. Your mind begins to heal as well. You’re making new rules and boundaries based on what you see so clearly now.

By this stage, you’ve also formed a new worldview as you look back on all you’ve been through and the road you’ve traveled. You see just how far you’ve come. You’re choosing to heal. Doesn’t it feel great?

About Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber is founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute; a holistic psychologist; and a health, mindset, and personal development expert. She is the author of Trust Again, The Unshakable Woman, and From Hardened to Healed: The Effortless Path to Release Resistance, Get Unstuck, and Create a Life You Love.

Dr. Debi’s recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal revealed three groundbreaking discoveries that have changed our understanding of how long it takes to heal. In addition to being featured on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, and TEDx (twice), she’s an award-winning speaker and coach, dedicated to helping people move past their betrayals and any other blocks preventing them from manifesting the health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they desire.

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