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Chris Bale – Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention Workshop – An Energetic Realignment For Men

Chris Bale – Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention Workshop – An Energetic Realignment For Men

Chris Bale – Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention Workshop – An Energetic Realignment For Men

Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention Workshop is a powerful container for any man who is ready and willing to show up and face his work, to reclaim his way.

Male potency (sexual energy), and the expression of it, is currently in a deep state of collective turmoil; disempowering, weakening, distracting and perverting our beautiful men.

The focus of this workshop, is the transference of energetic information, in order to unblock, awaken, and align the male polarity. Chris carries a deeply transformative energy, which is the basis of all of his work.

The workshop is to remedy this, with clear understanding and practical application moving forward.

Men need to begin understanding and relating to their sex from a higher plane of consciousness. Understanding what ejaculation & orgasm really are, and how it impacts him and his internal alchemical balance.

Chris has many years experience, and has worked with thousands of men (and women) from all around the world, specializing in sexual alchemy, relational dynamics, and energetic development. This event is a transmission of healthy embodied masculinity, in its penetrative & harmonious form.

The purpose of this event is 2-fold:

  • Energetic realignment to the un-compromised/integrated masculine.
  • Practical information & theory.

Please Note: It is not supportive or advised for women to watch or view this workshop, as the energy seeded in the recording is entirely for the opening and re-alignment of a mans core energetic signature. This may interfere with her process.

What You’ll Learn In Sexual Energy Cultivation & Semen Retention Workshop

Some of the areas which will be discussed on the event:

  • Understand your polarity
  • Clearing through the conditioning
  • The Mother Wound
  • How to heal emotions and past trauma which keep him dysfunctionally feminized
  • Unhealthy vs healthy masculine expression
  • How to be in your power as a man
  • How to safely retain & accumulate.
  • How to transmute the build up of sexual energy.
  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Powerful & electrifying erections for greater pleasure & healing.
  • Nourishing masturbation to enhance masculine energy(rather than depleting it).
  • Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams).
  • Listening to your body / Healthy ejaculation.
  • Firm boundaries / developing clarity
    Plus a whole lot more…

It is not to be missed!

About Chris Bale

Chris Bale: Master Energy-Worker, Sexual Alchemist, Mentor & Guide

Chris Bale is an Internationally-known Spiritual Mentor, and Master Energy-Worker. He is an ignitor of that which is real, and an illuminator of that which has been forgotten. He is a reminder.

Chris supports and activates deep transformations in the lives of others, and has been doing so for the last decade. Chris has worked with thousands of individuals from all over the planet, and from many different walks of life; From Coaches, Therapists, Doctors, Celebrities, & CEOs – to Construction Workers, Body-Builders, Dancers, Gardeners & Scientists – The variety is endless, but one thing remains the same; our shared human experience.

Chris has an extensive education in many different modalities of energy practices; including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Medical QiGong, Reiki, Pranic Healing, & Sexual Alchemy.

Over the years Chris has gathered an extensive amount of experiential understanding on the masculine and feminine energies, and shares his knowledge in his own unique voice, to assist and guide others into deeper consciousness and embodiment – Offering potent mentoring for men, and transformative Energywork sessions for women.

Chris Bale holds an extremely potent and transformative energetic frequency, which can be felt in his presence, and is the core of his transmission work.
A compassionate patience, accompanied by an UNWAVERING deliverance of consciousness & truth in its rawest and most penetrating forms; Chris gets right to the core of the collective-trauma and conditionings which has taken up residence in each-one of us.

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