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Chloe Goodchild – Liberate the Voice of Your Soul

Chloe Goodchild – Liberate the Voice of Your Soul

Chloe Goodchild – Liberate the Voice of Your Soul

Discover powerful techniques to embody and express your truest voice and most authentic Self.

Clear stifling beliefs, old patterns and stuck emotions — quickly — using simple exercises that liberate the voice of your soul and open you to more freedom, confidence and connection with others.

What You’ll Learn In Liberate the Voice of Your Soul

In Liberate the Voice of Your Soul, Chloe Goodchild will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully express your truest voice and most authentic Self, clearing outdated beliefs, behavioral patterns and stuck emotions quickly and effectively.

Each contemplation and training session of Liberate the Voice of Your Soul will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened the voice of your soul.

Module 1: Self-Inquiry & the Fierce and Gentle Art of Listening to Be Heard

Your unique voice is your birthright, and the mouthpiece of your soul. In this first session, you’ll be empowered to shift from “self-consciousness” into “sound consciousness,” to express yourself naturally, effortlessly and freely in ways you never imagined possible.

You’ll discover how to build an affirming relationship with your voice. By directly experiencing your sound in a new way, you’ll retrain your ordinary mind to respond positively to the voice inside you, learning how to communicate confidently, from the inside out.

Using Chloe Goodchild’s Naked Voice core vocal practices, you’ll learn to relax your mind and listen to yourself without judgement. You’ll use your voice as “sound medicine,” leading you into deeper self-inquiry.

Module 2: Sound Awareness
Opening the Door of Your Soul

Your naked voice invites you to take responsibility for rediscovering the song of your soul. How do you communicate with your soul? Or, how does your soul communicate with you?

As you align yourself with the inner music of your soul, by expressing your sound more naturally and spontaneously, you can let go of your inhibitions to become more aware of your original sound. Your ego or personality voice finds itself in a new training program, where it ceases to play saboteur and learns to serve the voice of your soul.

You’re not a separate isolated body called “me.” You’re a field of resonance, a community of trillions of cells, melodic molecules, elemental rhythms, and frequencies all vibrating to the beat of your heart.

Module 3: Where Sound Meets Energy
Discover Your Alchemical Voice

When sound and the movement of energy (chi ) are combined, they co-create a musical architecture that inspires your soul to sing. Your sound is gradually stabilized through the movement of energy throughout your body, and a direct experience of your authentic or naked voice is activated and strengthens your highest aspirations with a grounded purpose on earth.

This in turn encourages you to express yourself with increasing focus, creative freedom and an evolving lightness of being. This direct experience of body-heart-mind as one undivided wholeness, is where the invisible and visible meet, and form and formless come together, restoring a dynamic balance between your inner life and outer expression.

(The process you’ll learn in this session comes from Chloe Goodchild’s over 20 years of researching the alchemy of vocal expression and energy movement with Masashi Minagawa, a Japanese energy movement master. Combining these disciplines revolutionized her relationship with vocal sound.)

Module 4: Seven Sounds of Love
Building Your House of Song

In this module, you’ll open your Three Centers of Consciousness — belly, heart and head — enabling you to express the wider music landscape of your singing soul. These three centers connect your instinctual (belly), intuitive (heart) and insightful (head) or compassionate voice. They build stamina and emotional resilience and are the foundation for your journey through the Seven Sounds of Love.

The Seven Sounds of Love practice is a body-centered singing map that enables you to access and pitch your sounds with ease, from the base of your spine, up to your crown and back again. These sounds are “musical chakras,” vibrational building blocks, located in specific energy centers in your body.

These vibrational building blocks can be accompanied by meditative energy movements to strengthen your vibrational framework as you fortify your House of Song. The sounds are musical stepping stones, each one an ancient mantra.

With repeated practice, the Seven Sounds are like sonic Sudoku, rewiring your brain to harmonize your mind with body and soul. They’re portals into the multi-faceted voices of your soul.

Module 5: Self-remembrance
Honouring Your Shadow Voice

As you begin to use your voice as the muscle and messenger of your soul, you can start to uncover deeper unknown parts of yourself, and, thus, engage more masterfully with your shadow self.

Your relationship with the music of your darkest wounds is an essential part of the journey. By learning to release your shadow voice, you enable yourself to heal, evolve and, ultimately, to communicate with more transparency and ease.

in this module, you’ll discover the vocal practices Spoken Song and Seamless Thread, which help link the head and heart and unearth the sounds of old, outdated stories. Once heard, remembered and honored, a negative story or emotional state can transmute and shift into its antidote.

Module 6: The Singing Field
Entering a Higher Octave of Consciousness Together

Once you’ve discovered the power of sound to awaken your own consciousness — creatively and compassionately — you can start to deepen its transformative impact in the wider world.

The Singing Field is inspired by a line from a Rumi poem: Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field, I’ll meet you there. The Singing Field anthem has been shared across the world, and the concept of a Singing Field has since become a metaphor for global, as well as personal, transformation through shared sound, resonance and silence.

We’re all responsible for the impact that our listening and our sound catalyses. The intention of a Singing Field is to access a depth of presence, together, that arises from the source of the sound itself — the silence before sound — where everyone feels its harmonic resonance and unconditional presence, generating unity and oneness. Left- brain, strategic talk and heady diplomacy are transformed into a new realm of communication fueled by the fire of compassion.

Module 7: Sound Wisdom
Express Your Whole Self With Authenticity & Grace

At the heart of the Naked Voice teachings is a central understanding that your authentic voice is a sacred gift, whose sound is a wisdom, older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict. This wisdom is a gateway into an evolutionary language of love, expressing your whole self as full spectrum consciousness.

We’re individually and globally an interconnected web of sound wisdom. As you reclaim the authenticity of your naked voice, its sacred power will guide your true purpose and direction, and you’ll find yourself embraced in a resonance of love that will touch you and the lives of those around you with a grace beyond words. This grace opens the door beyond duality, or separateness, into non-duality, a communication of Oneness.

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