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Chase Amante – Charisma In A Bottle

Chase Amante – Charisma In A Bottle

Chase Amante – Charisma In A Bottle

A Practical “Book of Spells” for Compelling Men And Women to Give You What You Want Everywhere You Go…

With the Wisdom Inside “Charisma In A Bottle” You’ll…

  1. Use “Emotional contagion” to make other people feel whatever you want them to feel…So you can attract and arouse gorgeous women everyone else wants…While impressing men and inspiring their RESPECT…
  2. Awaken the Charisma you already have by tapping into what scientists call “The Leadership Profile”…This INFLUENTIAL trait not only turns you into a more engaging and interesting person but allows you to LEAD other people (And get the things you really want in this world)…
  3. Discover why trying too hard to be everyone’s friend hurts your Charisma and makes you look needy…Find out what attention-seeking behaviors turn others offand how you can get more people to like you by talking to them less…
  4. Create the “Follower Effect” and use it to attract, seduce, network, befriend or even build your own BAND of loyal followers…(If we taught “Cult Game” it would start with this…)
  5. Learn the power of “Expressiveness” to connect with others on a deeply emotional level…And why the best time to use this with someone is one-on-one (Before you find yourselves in the middle of any groups)…“Expressiveness” done right weaves a web no woman will ever want to escape from…
  6. Receive a list of 26 crucial “Charismatic signals”…Each of which is designed for easy use…And will lead anyone you encounter to perceive you as HIGHLY charismatic…
  7. Put your fingers on the “Social Status Roadmap” to quickly advance your rank in any group starting from the first moment they “Let you in” (This status boost raises your charisma even MORE by default)…
  8. Find out why people with “Institutional Power” (Teachers, bosses, bouncers, club presidents and others) sometimes feel threatened by Charismatic individuals (Especially men)…Plus learn what to do to get on their good sides and enlist them as ALLIES instead of dangerous enemies…
  9. Choose between “Inspirational Charisma” and “Hypnotic Charisma”…2 very different ways to use personal charm (The inspirational kind is the more ethical…BUT this hypnotic influence can be very, very powerful once you learn to use it with good intentions…)
  10. See why people don’t need to START with a “Good impression” of you – Here’s how they can instantly change their opinion once you get up close and personal (No more worrying about “Does everybody like me?”)…
  11. Learn how to be a better “Self-monitor”…This critical component to enduring charisma increases self-awareness so you always know if you’re falling back into old “Uncharismatic” ways!…
  12. Uncover the 4 “Charismatic Archetypes” and discover which is the best manifestation of your true personality. Each archetype attracts a different type of follower or female (Knowing yours allows you to streamline your social life while feeling more comfortable in your own skin)…
  13. How to give people the feeling that you’ll lead them to SUCCESS if they stick with you…And what you MUST DO if they start losing faith along the way…
  14. Unearth the hidden power of “Stigma Groups”…Bands of outsiders that have given birth to every bad boy political radical and rebel Hollywood star that’s ever captured the public’s imagination…Join the right “Stigma Group” and you’ve got ready-made followers awaiting a Charismatic leader (Yes that means you!)…
  15. Sort your followers into 5 camps…From “Indifferent” to “Fanatical”…Each camp needs a DIFFERENT type of engagement to feel connected and inspired…And with the “8 Leadership Qualities” you’ll make them all devoted followers (Tyranny, sensitivity and masculinity are 3 of the 8 and we dig into all of them in “Charisma in a Bottle”)…
  16. Find out about 3 things people do to TRY to be charismatic that almost NEVER work (One of these I call “Charisma By Proxy” and it DESTROYS the way other people see you)…
  17. Avoid “Mission Loss”…That moment when your special mission is over and your Charisma EVAPORATES if you don’t know what to do next (Follow the steps I give you and you’ll never have to deal with this again)…
  18. Learn how to show off “Exceptional Qualities”, every follower looks for in a Charismatic leader…Note: you don’t actually have to be the best in the world at something…Because the more charismatic you are the greater the “Halo Effect” around everything you do…
  19. Discover the secrets of “Visual Attention”…And the vital role this plays in Charisma when you’re in front of an audience (Use this at parties, school or work meetings or any time you find yourself on a stage)…
  20. Use “Practiced Effortlessness” to increase your social power and rise in social status without even seeming to try…The effect this has on people is almost magical…
  21. Smile at the right times in the right ways…Science shows smiling men are less attractive but MORE trustworthy…Get the timing right to maximize your trustworthiness while minimizing any attraction penalty…
  22. Employ the “6 Types of Humor” to lighten moods, deflect attacks and claim the Charismatic rewards of a great sense of humor…Don’t worry if you’re not very funny right now…I tell you EXACTLY how to fix that in the course as well…And it’s much easier than you’ve ever imagined…
  23. Crack open some “Us vs. them” to bring groups together and create a shared bond or mission (This effect is VERY powerful when you use it appropriately and responsibly)…
  24. Confront the greatest RISK to a charismatic leader…By knowing what to do if your group starts acting without you…With this simple strategy you’ll always stay on top of things and never end up “sidelined” by groups…
  25. Learn 3 “Charismatic Qualities” that enhance romantic and sexual ATTRACTION…One makes a woman more likely to want to have fun with you…The other 2 make the “Keepers” a lot more likely to stick around for the long term…
  26. Unpack the importance of physical attractiveness to Charisma…How much it matters, what you can do to improve yours and one thing ugly men can do to be Charismatic that actually works MUCH better for them than it does for better-looking men…
  27. Uncover the 2 types of “Waiter Talk”…And how the different types affect your Charisma on dates (Use the right type for the right girl and she’ll find you a lot more attractive)…
  28. Find out how to use “Charisma Stories” and “Charismatic Humility” to raise your Charisma and magnetize the woman you’re talking to (These work whether you’re one-on-one with her or in a group)…
  29. Hear why you must avoid “Over-Exhibiting” charisma when you want to seduce a woman (I’ll show you how to use what I call the “Charisma Dial” to keep your charisma from blowing her out)….
  30. Discover 2 kinds of “Status Markers” people pay close attention to (These have a big impact on how CHARISMATIC other people think you are!)…Plus I’ll reveal 6 different markers in each category that you can focus on to raise your Charisma…
  31. Use a technique I call the “Charisma Hole” to keep you from being overwhelmed by a “Charisma Competitor” in groups…When you use the “Charisma Hole” other Charismatic men can try all they want but won’t be able to keep the group’s attention away from you…
  32. Learn how to deal with “Loud Charisma”…Yep the obnoxious kind some guys use to try to steal the spotlight away from you (I give you 2 ways to beat this guy: The “Nice Way” and the “Not-So-Nice” way…Pick the one that fits the scenario best)…
  33. See exactly how to use a “Charisma Shield” to deflect another person’s attempt to assert dominance over you (Do this enough times and he’ll start to look as WEAK as you look STRONG)…
  34. Harness the specific strategy to use when you’re talking to a girl one-on-one and a Charismatic guy tries to interject (He won’t stand a chance against this technique and I don’t care how charming or good-looking he is)…
  35. Find out how to pull off a “Power Grab”…An elite tool to seize leadership of the group from a “Charismatic Competitor” (This is a bit risky…HOWEVER if you follow the guidelines I give you the risk will be WELL WORTH the reward)…
  36. Employ powerful social tactics to make followers more open to your direction (As well as turn people who aren’t your followers into followers)…
  37. Discover the risk factors for “Charisma Loss” (One is “Too much uncertainty or indecision”)…So you can watch out for these and AVOID them at all costs…
  38. Decide whether to focus on “Slow Build Charisma” or “Instant Charisma” (One is far longer-lasting but the other has some excellent perks too…ESPECIALLY if you like picking up girls in clubs or bars)…
  39. Learn about “Charismatic Superiors” and “Lieutenants”…And how each impacts your Charisma (Plus what to do if they’re hurting it)…

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