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Aurimas Juodka – Breathwork Facilitator Training

Aurimas Juodka – Breathwork Facilitator Training

Aurimas Juodka – Breathwork Facilitator Training

Did you know that something as simple as breath can help you access altered states and be your ally in addressing the root cause that’s preventing your clients from getting breakthrough results?..

As you’re probably aware, most people are caught up in a story that lives in their head. But utilizing the breathwork in a specific way, you can IMMEDIATELY turn off the monkey mind and access the emotions that are feeding into that mental chatter.

From that emotional state, it is much easier to tap into the root cause of you client’s blockages and process them…instead of always only addressing the symptoms (working with just the conscious mind). Breathwork touches the subconscious.

Now, why do most people become coaches in the first place?

Pretty much every coach really enjoys helping others (unless they’re sociopaths who only care about themselves and making money – if that’s you – you can stop reading here)

So, in order to get amazing results, you’d want to be as well equipped as you possibly can to consistently get desired outcomes for your clients, right?

Well then no other course can equip you better for coaching than a breathwork facilitator training like The Breathwork Facilitator Training.

What You’ll Learn In The Breathwork Facilitator Training

WEEK 1: Introduction To Breathwork

What is a Breath Coach? Breaking down what it means to be a Breath Coach, the valuable role you’ll be playing in your clients lives by the end of this program!

Modalities: The various types of breathwork and why Transformational Breathwork will not only help your client to shift the fastest, but how it provides YOU with the flexibility of not having to commit to only one style.

Value: You will learn to identify the value proposition of your offering so that your client sees and understands the value of your services are 10x (minimum) whatever you decide to charge.

WEEK 2: Breathing Science

Physiology: Understanding the chemistry of breath, why it’s important and how learning the science will help you to feel like an expert in your field without spending 8 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on a medical degree.

The Nervous System: You will learn not only how the Nervous System impacts our lives on every level, but how learning to manipulate it has a direct effect on our emotions, stress response and general sense of well being.

Cold Therapy & Vascular Health: During your certification, you will discover how cardiovascular issues are the leading global cause of death and disease and how just a few simple adjustments in how you breathe, combined with cold therapy can ensure long-term health and vitality.

WEEK 3: Teaching Made Simple

Fundamentals: During this breathwork certification, you will discover the hidden secrets of the breath they don’t teach you in school that will help your clients relieve stress and anxiety in minutes and leave you looking and feeling like a true breath master.

Techniques: As a future breathwork facilitator, you will begin to master what we call The Big Three; breathing for increased energy and focus, breathing for balance, and breathing for relaxation and sleep.

Journeys: We’re big advocates of learning through doing. So, by week 3 you’ll already have your first breathwork practitioner homework assignment of guiding your first Transformational Breathwork Journey! Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re ready!

WEEK 4: Transformational Breathwork

The Subconscious Mind: Why most coaches fail. Too much time and energy focused on retraining the conscious/rational mind, when the secret lies below the surface, in the subconscious – and breathwork is the access point.

Releasing Trauma: Why is healing old traumas so important? The magic question everyone should be asking. As a future breathwork practitioner, you’ll learn how to help your clients put down the emotional baggage once and for all, without having to say a single word.

The Coaching Edge: You will learn how to leverage your coaching skills when your clients are most open to receiving the message. It’s the X-Factor that will set you apart from all other coaches in the industry.

WEEK 5: Guiding An Online Session

Architecting the Journey: This is where the rubber meets the road. As a future breathwork practitioner, you’re going to learn Brian’s step-by-step proprietary 18-Phase framework for nailing the online journey every single time.

The Art of Music Selection: During this breathwork certification, you will understand the importance of selecting the right music to trigger emotional impact at just the right moments cannot be understated. We’ll not only show you how it’s done, we’ll give you the tracks and playlists to get you started as a breathwork facilitator.

Finding Your Voice:​ ​ Too many coaches struggle to even get started out of fear for not saying the right things. Confidence comes with repetition. You’ll learn how to keep-it-simple, eliminating the constant “pressure to perform” syndrome.

WEEK 6: The One-On-One

Holding Space: Becoming a badass breathwork facilitator does NOT require a degree in psychotherapy, but it is an art. Asking the right questions and good listening skills will be at the top of your most valuable assets.

Guiding the Session: As a future breathwork practitioner, you’ll learn a 4-Step Formula that will leave your clients feeling born again and blown away by the experience every single time.

Integration: ​Coming out of a breathwork session can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Learn how to help your clients process their experience in a way that will leave them feeling loved up and supported.

WEEK 7: Live Group Sessions

Simplicity is Key: It’s important to remember that the student’s breath, NOT your teaching is the real medicine they’re after. Learn how to say just enough to set the container and let the journey do the heavy lifting.

Working with Energy: You don’t have to be a Reiki Master to spot a student who needs some extra support. We’ll show you what to look for, bow to handle it, and what to do if things go sideways.

Do’s & Dont’s: In this module of the breathwork certification, we’ll dive into the ethics of coaching, and share our assessment of what is, and is not okay, before, during and after breathwork sessions.

WEEK 8: Overcoming Fear

Mindset: Discover the raw power of a growth mindset and how it will be either your greatest asset or most challenging adversary when it comes to building your business as a breath coach.

Education: Knowledge is power. You’re going to experience the ultimate crash course in breath training, plus you’ll leave equipped with a roadmap and all of the best resources to keep sharpening your saw.

FAQ’s: ​One of the biggest fears new teachers have when starting out is not knowing the answer to basic questions that may come up. Big deal, don’t stress. All the masters before you start at ground zero. We’ve got you covered.

WEEK 9: Building Your Business

Client Magnetism: You will learn how to attract your clientele, how to communicate the power of the experience and how to be a coach that no clients want to EVER leave.

The Backend: Legal disclaimers, tech, finances, business side of things – we made it easy for you to have a plug-and-play solution, we will walk you through every single step A-Z.

Client & Class Management: You will learn additional skills to manage your classes, take care of your clients and maximize their attendance & benefits that they reap from these sessions.

WEEK 10: You’re A Certified Breathwork Facilitator

Goal Setting: You will develop a clear plan to continue with your breathwork coaching – add it onto your existing services or start a completely new business – let’s get clear on your future steps.

Continued Education: You will get a bundle of resources to continue your evolution as a TB coach and a well-rounded human capable of making a massive impact.

Advanced Coaching: You will explore new and exciting opportunities to continue your education and take your skills to the next level.

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