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Rolf Sovik – Meditation on the Chakras

Rolf Sovik – Meditation on the Chakras

Rolf Sovik – Meditation on the Chakras

Chakras, the centers of subtle energy along the spinal column, play a dynamic role in the practice of meditation. They govern regions of human anatomy, sectioning the body into distinct organ systems and anatomical functions. They embody themes of human spiritual development, ranging from primitive human drives to trustful surrender to God. They symbolize various forces of divinity, manifesting in mantric sounds and yantric geometrics. And they act as reference points in meditation practice—centers of concentration and purification. Cultivating sensitivity to these energy centers enables you to explore new dimensions of inner life.

What You’ll Learn In Meditation on the Chakras

Aims of the Spiritual Life

  • Hatha, Laya, Mantra, and Raja Yogas
  • Guided Relaxation on the Chakras
  • Working with the Breath in Chakras
  • Chakras and the Human Body
  • Three Main Energy Streams
  • Breath Awareness Meditation

Turning Methodically Within

  • Traditional Descriptions of Chakras
  • Aspects of Mantra Meditation
  • Where Are the Chakras?
  • Guided Relaxation Using the Chakras
  • Tips for your Practice
  • Bija Mantras for the Chakras
  • Themes at Work in Root Chakra
  • Themes at Work in Pelvic Chakra
  • Themes at Work at the Navel Center
  • Themes at Work at the Heart Center
  • Themes at Work at the Throat Center
  • Themes at Work at the Eyebrow Center
  • Overall Themes in the Chakras
  • Super Quick Stretching Sequence
  • Guided Meditation with So Ham Mantra and Chakra Awareness

Bhuta Shuddhi

  • Preparations for Bhuta Shuddhi Practice
  • Aspects of Bhuta Shuddhi Practice
  • Learning Bhuta Shuddhi, A Guided Practice
  • Bhuta Shuddhi Practice
  • Points of Practice

A Devotional Approach

  • An Experiential Practice for Devotion
  • Sing the Name of the Lord!
  • A Ritual for Cultivating Devotion
  • Guided Meditation Practice with Manas Puja
  • Five Postures, Five Minutes and a Guided Relaxation

Deepening Meditation

  • Visualization for First Chakra Meditation
  • Visualizations for the Second Through Sixth Chakras
  • Yoga Sutra 1.12 Translation and Commentary
  • Yoga Sutra 1.12 Pronunciation
  • Yoga Sutra 1.33 Translation and Commentary
  • Yoga Sutra 1.33 Pronunciation
  • Sanskrit Alphabet and Chakras
  • Bhuta Shuddhi Guided Meditation
  • Beyond the Sixth Chakra
  • Concluding Thoughts

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