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Hiro Boga – Rule Your World From The Inside Out

Hiro Boga – Rule Your World From The Inside Out

Hiro Boga – Rule Your World From The Inside Out

What is Rule Your World From The Inside Out?

This transformative, self-guided program is designed to help you lay the foundation for a lush & happy inner world.

As the lessons unfold for you, you’ll enter a new era of creative sovereignty where you’ll make friends with your truest desires, establish clear boundaries to safely hold you, make choices that nourish your inner kingdom, and tap into your enthusiasm and power to take focused action with playful ease.

This is where the magic happens — when you link desire and inspiration to purposeful, focused action, miracles unfold. And sovereignty is the key that unlocks your potential to create that magic, in every area of your life.

Sovereignty helps you overcome the natural pull of entropy, inertia — the fear of change that keeps you hanging onto habits and ways of being that no longer serve you. Sovereignty links you to allies and companions whose creative power, when added to your own, makes many things possible.

The Rule Your World Journey

Rule Your World from the Inside Out is both a compass to guide you, and a map-making journey of building a life that’s true to you.

A life filled with creative joy, in harmony with your deepest values and desires, and in partnership with the powers of wholeness.

You are the sovereign ruler of your life.

But have you abdicated your throne?

Perhaps you’ve been allowing other people’s opinions to shape your thoughts and drive your decision-making. Perhaps you’ve been giving away your time and energy excessively, finding it difficult to set boundaries, draining your power in the process. Perhaps you wake up most mornings and wonder, “How am I living this life? This isn’t the vision I had for myself…

As a sovereign being, you are the ruler of your inner kingdom.

When you meet your life from a pinched and parched place of scarcity, fear & desperation, your kingdom withers. It crumbles. When you govern your inner kingdom with authority, trust & discernment, peace prevails. A new era of prosperity arrives. Your industries flourish. And your kingdom thrives.

Rule Your World from the Inside Out is your invitation to take back your rightful place at the center of your life — to sit firmly on your throne.

What You’ll Learn In Rule Your World From The Inside Out

  • How to connect with your soul, and partner with it to create the life you truly desire.
  • How to set healthy boundaries to protect your resources, time, and energy.
  • How to choose the direction of your life from a place of empowerment and purpose — rather than reacting to the events, people, and circumstances around you.
  • How to develop deeply loving, co-creative partnerships with Devas — those subtle energy beings who hold the energetic blueprint for the perfect unfolding of all forms of life.
  • How to use energetic techniques — like meditation, energy alchemy, subtle energy anatomy and more — to transform fear and overwhelm into power, refine your mind, and energize your body.
  • How to trust yourself in every situation, and know you are truly at home in your body, your life, and in the world.
  • How to rule the kingdom of your life with sovereignty, love, and grace.

What You’ll Receive

  • An inside-out, roots-to-shoots approach to life, relationships, personal and business growth. You’ll call on the wisdom of your inner council of advisers, and free yourself from paralyzing cycles of indecision, overwhelm, frustration & procrastination.
  • A clear way of navigating everyday decisions from a position of presence, power & discernment, rather than fear & mistrust.
  • An abiding faith in yourself and your capacity to meet challenges with ease and grace. Inner strategies to guide your kingdom from intuitive vision to concrete action.
  • Energy alchemy practices that will help you manage your own energy, take loving care of yourself in any situation, and clarify and transform patterns that get in the way of creating a life that is truly yours to live.
  • Powerful and loving boundaries, a purposeful sense of direction, and tangible rewards, in every direction.
  • Nearly anything your heart desires. (Past students have transformed failing marriages, rediscovered passion and joy in their work, become pregnant after trying unsuccessfully for many years, tripled their income, started new businesses, and signed successful book contracts, among other things.)

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