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Edward Mannix – 30 Day Karma Detox Program

Edward Mannix – 30 Day Karma Detox Program

Edward Mannix – 30 Day Karma Detox Program

Dissolve Karmic Distortions and Spontaneously Manifest Your Heart and Soul’s Deepest Desires

During The 30 Day Karma Detox Program, you’ll be receiving and working with cutting-edge spiritual knowledge & tools that will enable you to Un-Creat:

  • Financial Scarcity
  • Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • Physical Pain & Suffering
  • Anxiety
  • Disconnection From Source
  • Misalignment With Purpose
  • Food Addiction
  • Smoking
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness
  • Lack Of Sexual Fulfillment & Intimacy
  • Inability To Make A Bigger Positive Impact In The World
  • Any & Every Part Of Your Reality You Don’t Like

Re-Create a New and Better Reality, and Experience the Joy of Completion in Form

As you begin to consciously Un-Create the karmic distortions that are constantly being projected into your field, more space opens up for your soul’s perfect blue-print, your soul’s highest expression, to spontaneously shine through into form, effortlessly and automatically Re-Creating a new and better reality without any need for setting intentions, creative visualization or any other popular mind-based manifestation techniques.

What You’ll Learn In The 30 Day Karma Detox Program

  • Major and financial breakthroughs
  • Money unexpectedly shows up exactly when you need it
  • Difficult, longstanding relationship dynamics spontaneously transform
  • Old relationships come into alignment or go away; new and better relationships show up
  • Greater physical health & vitality spontaneously emerges
  • Weight loss
  • Healthier habits take hold with Grace and Ease (no willpower necessary)
  • Physical aches and pains disappear
  • More joy bubbles up from within for no apparent reason
  • Greater clarity of mind
  • Greater ease in day-to-day life
  • The inner critic dissolves and goes away
  • More self-love, which is then reflected back to you in the form of more loving interactions with and more love from others
  • Deeper connection with purpose and Source
  • Ability to make a greater positive impact in the lives of others and on the planet today
  • Greater intimacy and healthy, joyful sexual expression
  • And more!

The new tools and new knowledge you’ll be working with during The 30 Day Karma Detox Program can and will help you achieve new outcomes in your life, including the parts of your life where you’ve been stuck the longest and nothing else you’ve tried up until now has worked.

If you’re ready to be free of years or life-times of struggle and disappointment… If you’re ready to finally experience your heart and soul’s deepest desires spontaneously manifest into form, then this program is for you!

The 30 Day Karma Detox Program Includes:

Week 1 — Expanding Your Ability to Receive & Create Miracles

Would it feel like a miracle if you had a major financial breakthrough?

Would it feel like a miracle if old, yucky dysfunctional relationship dynamics and heart break spontaneously transformed?

Before we start digging into and dissolving the karmic blocks in various parts of your life, Step 1 is to till the soil and create a fertile environment for miracles.

If you say the words right now, “I Deserve Big Miracles” — what happens? Do you hear a voice in your head? Do you believe miracles are real or can happen for you? How do you feel in your body? What happens in your breathing?

How fertile is your soil for miracles showing up in your life today?

People are often surprised to find out just how blocked they are around receiving and experiencing miracles.

In this one powerful session, we are going to do some massive clearing of the karmic blocks and limitations that are standing in the way of you receiving miracles. In so doing, we’ll be opening up a big window for soul-created miracles to start shining through into your life right away.

Week 1 also includes a supplemental video on “Fixing Your Broken Reality Mirror” (and perhaps other fun surprises too

Week 2 — Un-Creating Difficult Relationship Dynamics

Life is all about relationship after all, and our relationships with others can often be our greatest source of suffering or joy.

In this one life and love-enhancing session, we are going to un-do years and life-times of karmic imprinting so you can be free of the karmic dramas that are knotting up your relationships.

Are you carrying a betrayal imprint in your field? An abandonment imprint?

An imprint for not being appreciated and celebrated by others for who you really are?

How have these imprints been showing up in your life?

We’ll be doing clearing processes around these specific common imprints for sure…

And also, what more might you want to dissolve together in the relationship sphere?

Please be thinking about this between now and this call, and please share your thoughts in our private online group or type them into the webcast during the session, so we can un-create whatever you want to un-create around relationships during this call.

One or more supplemental videos with additional clearings will also be included this week.

Week 3 — Dissolving Karmic Distortions Around Physical Health & Vitality

Our body is our temple, the home of our soul and the vehicle for its perfect expression here in form.

How is your temple doing? Do you love your body and it loves you?

Are you experiencing sub-optimal levels of energy, or are you experiencing a potentially life-threatening illness?

No matter where you are today, there is always room for improvement and it is possible to take dramatic quantum leaps upward towards greater physical health and vitality using The Compassion Key.

What if we could un-create disease? Dissolve aches & pains?

What if we could pull out the karmic roots, identify and heal any traumas sitting beneath your low energy or illness?

The good news is we can, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing together during this powerful, forever life-changing session.

Week 4 — Spontaneously Manifesting Soul-Created Wealth

“Limitless money flowing to you is an accurate reflection of the limitless love flowing through you and as you.”

This is where many of us would like to be, and it is a description of what I refer to as Stage 4 Money Consciousness.

While I can’t guarantee you will immediately shift into this reality after one tremendously powerful money call together, I can promise that you are going to experience some profound clearings around scarcity and money karma during this session, AND there is a very good chance you’ll see observable results in your financial life during the days and weeks that follow this session.

Money miracles are probably the most common type of miracle I hear about from people in all of my programs — even the programs that don’t focus on money.

Get ready to pull out the deepest money karma roots and open up a clearer window for soul-created wealth & money miracles to shine through into your life right away.

Supplemental video this week on “I Deserve Money For No Reason, Just For Being Me”, and maybe some other fun surprises too

Further up the spiral we go!

Week 5 — Celebration

Laughter and tears. Celebration.

Sealing in the benefit of this sacred journey so that our souls may forever leave behind what was cleared here.

Integrating the insights, love, expansion and miracles so we may bring them forward with us throughout all time and timelines, and across all universes.

Taking one last quantum leap together further up the spiral staircase, getting that much closer to finally knowing and fully embodying our true light here in form.


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