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Centre of Excellence – Advanced Sound Healing Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence – Advanced Sound Healing Diploma Course

Centre of Excellence – Advanced Sound Healing Diploma Course

Introducing Advanced Sound Healing Diploma Course

Reconnect to harmony with yourself and your world. Let the medicine of sound keep your body, heart, and soul in tune. Let your body be a healing temple, and sound bring it into full alignment with who you are and with the divine energies surrounding you.

Discover the tools, techniques and beneficial effects that sound healing can bring to your life. Learn how to reharmonise your energy field and retune your vibratory state to new modes of vitality and harmony. Come into greater alignment with your spiritual self, balance your emotions, find peace in your mental sphere, and entrain to your Lightbody and soul.

Learn the profound effect that sound can have on our well-being and body-mind-soul systems. Discover the traditions of applying sound to heal, relieve stress, eliminate disease, maintain emotional balance, and catalyse spiritual awakening and sound as the medicine of the future. Explore how it can reprogram DNA, entrain your life to more harmonious energy fields through resonance, and unify the disparate and separatist vibrations of the body and mind.

Study the primal sound of all creation, and understand how mantras are deities and how to ally with these sound frequencies. Learn how to create sound bath meditations to vitalise and nurture your energy field, and understand how to use singing bowls as amplifiers of healing intention and to direct vibrational alignment. Learn the Taoist Six Healing sounds to promote healing in the entire body through specific organs.

Practise toning and humming to create a bridge to other dimensions of consciousness, and work with the sacred power of vowels. Learn how to apply emotional alchemy through sound by frequency shifting, and apply the heart sound of HU to generate high-frequency states in the body and create coherence in your electromagnetic field. Learn to put your own sound healing practice together that you can integrate into everyday life.

By studying this course, you will:

  • Be introduced to the essential nature of sound and how it heals
  • Learn the tantra of sound and how it can unify the vibrational body
  • Gain familiarity with the concept of mantras as energies and deities
  • Learn how to use the tools and techniques of sound healing
  • Discover the theories of sound healing
  • Be able to create your own sound healing practice

What You’ll Learn In Advanced Sound Healing Diploma Course

Module 1: Introduction to Sound Healing

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: The Essential Nature of Sound
  • Part 2: Vibrational Keys: How Sound Heals
  • Part 3: The Creative, Formative and Organising Force of Sound
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: The Medicine of the Future

  • Part 1: Healing and Resonance
  • Part 2: Cymatics: Sound Generating Form
  • Part 3: DNA Activation through Sound Healing
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: The Tantra of Healing with Sound

  • Part 1: Tantra, Oneness and the Vibrational Body
  • Part 2: The Para Vach: The First Light and Sound
  • Part 3: Balancing Yin and Yang with Sound
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: The Healing Magic of Mantra

  • Part 1: Mantras as Deities
  • Part 2: Bija Sounds and other Mystical Mantras
  • Part 3: Using OM to Reharmonise
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Sound Bath Meditations

  • Part 1: Introduction to Sound Baths
  • Part 2: Benefits of Sound Bath Meditations
  • Part 3: Creating a Sound Bath Meditation
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls

  • Part 1: Benefits and History of Crystal Singing Bowls
  • Part 2: Crystal Singing Bowls as Amplifiers of Intent
  • Part 3: How to Play Crystal Singing Bowls
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: The Taoist Six Healing Sounds

  • Part 1: Benefits and Theory of the Six Healing Sounds
  • Part 2: Learning the Healing Sounds I: Lung, Kidney, Liver
  • Part 3: Learning the Healing Sounds II: Heart, Spleen, Triple Warmer
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: Self-Generated Sound to Harmonise

  • Part 1: Breath and Toning
  • Part 2: Primal Vibrations: Humming
  • Part 3: The Sacred Power of Vowels
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Emotional and Spiritual Alchemy through Sound

  • Part 1: Healing via Entrainment to First Source
  • Part 2: Frequency Shifting: Emotional Alchemy
  • Part 3: HU: The Heart Sound for Spiritual Transformation
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10: Building your Sound Healing Practice

  • Part 1: Daily Practice
  • Part 2: Integration into Everyday Life
  • Part 3: Building your Sonic Library
  • Test Your Knowledge
  • Key Learning Points
  • Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

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