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Lynn Waldrop – Fountain of Youth Series

Lynn Waldrop – Fountain of Youth Series

Lynn Waldrop – Fountain of Youth Series

Get the energetic support you need – Lynn Waldrop will help realign your energy to support thriving 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond!

Introducing The Fountain of Youth Series

  • The Body Boost on steroids: Face Lift, Neck Lift, Butt Lift, Breast Lift and MORE without the surgery and recovery!
  • Change the systems that actually create the breakdowns in the first place (DNA Degradation, Cellular Reproduction and more)
  • Thicker and Healthier Hair
  • Improved flexibility, reduced joint stiffness, skin & muscle tone elasticity
  • Skin repair starts from the inside out (acne scars, surgery scars, rejuvenated glow, etc)

No Matter your Age Now – Anti-Aging Energy can Support you!

  • Look years younger than you are
  • Be more active and vibrant
  • Volunteer, mentor, start a new career
  • Keep up with grandkids, travel, find your soulmate

What You’ll Learn In Fountain of Youth Series

Clear the THOUGHTS FEELINGS and EMOTIONS that aging is a bad thing

We already know that we co-create what we see in our physical reality, so if we believe that getting older means feeling bad, forgetting things, and losing vitality, then that is EXACTLY what we will get. We have to break the vicious of cycle of our thoughts become things, Lynn Waldrop will help you release those beliefs!

Clear Past Lives and Ancestry related to painful aging

Have you ever thought about what experiences with aging your past lives might have to do with your body’s journey? What about your ancestor’s energies? Your familial beliefs like “we die of heart disease”. Let’s clear the energies that interfere with your body doing what it was designed to do.

Heal on a cellular metabolic level

Physical aging starts on a cellular and molecular level. Experience Lynn Waldrop’s Body Channel expertise as she dives into your cells and clears the accumulated junk and provides the energy your cells are looking for so they can keep doing their thing.

Learn to talk to your body so you understand what it needs

When you feel betrayed by your body, that it’s letting you down, your body hears you! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dialog with your body so that it can tell you what it needs from you for its optimal health? Learn how it wants to be treated so that together you keep on the journey of healthful aging you are on!

The Fountain of Youth Series Curriculum

Module 1 – Hair & Hearing Upgrade

Hearing aids, people having to talk louder, missing what is going on – no fun! Thinning/balding, wiry, grey hair is another age giveaway. In this module, Lynn Waldrop will help clear their aging processes and give them support.

  • Grey Hair
  • Hair Loss
  • Thicker Hair
  • Energetic laser hair removal
  • Hair growth for length
  • Dandruff
  • Bald Spots
  • Balding Reversal/Male Balding
  • Pattern
  • Hearing
  • Auditory pathway
  • Comprehension

Module 2 – Skin & Muscle

Our skin is often the easiest reminder of our age, let’s reverse that! Weakened muscles deprive us of the ability to do many things we love when we were younger, so let’s tone them up!

  • Wrinkles
  • Elasticity of skin
  • Muscle tone/loss causing sagging
  • Cellulite
  • Skin tags
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Softer skin
  • Rejuvenated glow
  • Relieving acne scarring and color
  • Dryness
  • Shaving sensitivity
  • Stretchmarks
  • TFE’s

Module 3 – Body Breakdown

This is the nitty gritty of aging. Where it all starts first. Lynn Waldrop will dive in the cells, organelles, and DNA/genetics as well our TFEs that this part of our body is beyond our control.

  • Metabolism Slowdown
  • Cellular – reproduction
  • DNA degradation
  • Telomeres
  • Mitochondria – other organelles that break down
  • Brain work: all body processes that start the degradation process/Brain and genetic work
  • TFE’s on aging and how the body breaks down
  • How we are ready to die on time

We die of certain things which leads to the breakdown process

Ex: “No one has lived past 83 years old in my family and that is genetic so I won’t live over 83.”

Module 4 – Osteoporosis & Bone Health

Strong bones are a foundation of support of not just our body but our independence, we will be working with issues such as:

  • Hip and knee problems
  • Osteoporosis
  • Flexibility
  • Posture
  • Balance
  • Arthritis
  • Aches and pains
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Thoughts Feelings & Emotions about bones

Module 5 – Mega Body Lift Call

Now let’s bring it all together on the outside of the body. Get an energetic face and neck lift, breast, even butt lift! For those of you who have loved Lynn Waldrop’s Body Boost – this is it pumped up to the max!

  • The Body Channel Neck Lift and Face Lift
  • Breast Lift
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Energetic Liposuction/plumping
  • Thighs and hips lift
  • Butt Lift
  • TFE’s
    • **Body boost on steroids

Frequency Facelift

The Frequency Facelift is Lynn Waldrop’s most coveted mp3’s to date. Many clients have complained that when they lose weight, their face gets droopy and this is perfect to tackle not only that, but the chin wattle as well.

It also covers…

  • Neck rolls
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Wrinkles
  • Bags
  • Lines and more!

Targeting Trouble Areas

Are you tired of trying different cellulite creams that don’t work? Or maybe you have been wanting to try the newest laser treatments, but can’t afford it. The Targeting Trouble Areas recording will do all of it, but at a fraction of the cost.

  • It addresses…
  • Cellulite
  • Scars
  • Stretchmarks
  • Chemical Peels
  • Energetic Microderm Abrasion and more!

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