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Suzanne Giesemann – Mastering The Mediumship Mindset

Suzanne Giesemann – Mastering The Mediumship Mindset

Suzanne Giesemann – Mastering The Mediumship Mindset

Explore transformative wisdom, techniques, and practices to embody the mediumship mindset every day — and experience how your ability to connect with spirit, facilitate accurate readings, and feel comfortable and confident in sessions depends on your mindset.

What You’ll Learn In Mastering The Mediumship Mindset

In Mastering The Mediumship Mindset, Suzanne Giesemann will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully master your evidential mediumship skills to trust yourself to effortlessly connect with Spirit.

Module 1: Understanding the Elements of the Mediumship Mindset to Become the Most Accurate Medium Possible

Mediumship is a sacred gift that will flourish when nourished.

Once you’ve learned to connect soul-to-soul with non-physical beings, the expansion of your abilities becomes an ongoing journey of discovery, improvement, and joy.

Suzanne Giesemann will remind you why your soul has chosen this path and discuss mediumship as not just a vocation, but a way of life. Due to the very nature of soul-to-soul communication, the medium’s mindset must be refined and elevated.

The sacred work of spirit communication unfolds best when you clearly understand and embrace what is needed to be the best, most accurate medium possible.

Module 2: Naturally Radiate a Higher Vibration to Bring Joy Into Your Life

Joy is your birthright as a soul in human form — present at the deepest levels, even in the darkest hours.

As Suzanne Giesemann will explain, joy is not just an emotion or state of being. It’s also another name for the Source that makes Spirit communication possible.

To master the mediumship mindset, you must consciously become aware that you are Joy in expression — and as a result, you’ll naturally radiate a higher vibration.

You’ll automatically set aside limiting human traits and bring Joy into not only your readings, but everything you do. The more you become Joy in expression, the easier and more joyous your Spirit connections will be.

Module 3: Master the Mind Through One-Pointed Attention to More Skillfully Communicate

Anyone can make a connection with non-physical beings, but true mastery takes place when you understand the wholeness within which all communication takes place.

This wholeness is your true essence. The center of you is connected to all centers.

Once you come to know and trust that the same Being is experiencing life through you and with those with whom you are communicating — that communication becomes a delightful dance of information and energy.

To achieve true mastery, you must master the mind through a flow-state known as one-pointed attention.

Module 4: The Art of Non-Doing & Centering to Uncover the Strongest Evidence & Most Accurate Messages During Readings

Mediumship involves both active and passive energy.

Mastering the art of “non-doing” leads to readings in which the strongest evidence and most accurate, healing messages come through, without even trying.

The masterful mediumship mindset says, “I don’t do the reading — the reading unfolds with Spirit.”

Non-doing is the natural result of being centered. To get to this state of mastery, it is critical to know how to become centered and remain that way, no matter what.

Module 5: Practice the Skill of Presence to Access the Higher Intelligence of Your Subconscious So You Can Relax & Feel Comfortable in Readings

It’s possible to master one-pointed focus and still not be present. Those in Spirit are always in the now so learning to be present is a critical skill for mediumship mastery.

When you drift out of the present moment, Spirit connections more easily go awry.

Presence requires a state of awareness and connection deeper than normal human waking consciousness. Mastering this mental skill allows you to access higher intelligence through the subconscious.

As Suzanne Giesemann will share, being in the now does not take effort. It’s always here, just like the spirits with whom you are communicating!

Module 6: The Process of Grounding to Achieve Balance & Optimize Your Soul-to-Soul Connections

As a medium, one of the most important skills you can learn to master is the flow of vibrant energy through yourself.

As Suzanne Giesemann will explain, a common misconception is that a medium needs to connect with only cosmic forces. Equally important is refreshing and energizing the physical body with earthly forces.

When you masterfully balance the flow of physical and non-physical energies through your field, you become the finely tuned instrument that Spirit needs for optimal trans-dimensional communication.

Grounding is the process by which you, the medium, connect intentionally with these vital earth energies and optimize your soul-to-soul connections.

Module 7: Understand the Flow of Life to Transform Frustration & Overwhelm Into a Centered, Peaceful Way of Being

Just when you think you’ve mastered readings, you hit a bump in the road.

A medium comes to learn that you can’t master readings — but you can master the mediumship mindset.

A masterful medium understands that life is the flow of experiences, and these experiences include downs as well as ups.

Until you come to this understanding, you can find yourself frustrated or overwhelmed by the constant unknowns that a medium faces in each session.

The key is knowing that you don’t perform readings alone. You’re not separate from your sitter or the spirits. All of us are part of the very flow of life. This awareness leads to true mastery.

Module 8: Release Your Attachment to Outcomes and Feel & Express the Fullness of Your Soul

Attachment to the outcome of a reading is one of the greatest pitfalls a medium faces.

Mastering the mediumship mindset means mastering the art of letting go. Surrendering is not a weakness. Setting aside the human need to succeed reveals the soul’s presence through strength, courage, and humility.

It’s human nature to want to do well, but it’s not your human nature that makes the connection. True Spirit communication takes place at the soul level.

Learning to release attachment to outcome begins with awareness. This requires shifting your focus to that of the observer, which is precisely the perspective that will help you achieve mastery.

Module 9: Examine Your Beliefs & Habits So You Can Manifest Mastery in Your Readings & All of Life

As a soul having a human experience, you are a direct expression of Infinite Intelligence. As such, you’re divinely endowed with the ability to choose and create your reality, moment by moment.

Just as you manifest the things you desire in life, you can also manifest mastery of your mediumship! This begins with identifying what no longer serves you and being willing to emerge anew each moment.

Old habits are the result of ingrained patterns in your energy field. Using awareness and creative visualization, you can harness your intentions and take your mediumship ever onward, ever upward!

Module 10: Live Q&A and Integration to Solidify All You’ve Learned & Continue Your Life’s Journey as a Medium

After a week off, you’ll reunite with Suzanne Giesemann and your fellow participants to integrate all you’ve learned…

Being a medium is an ongoing journey. Your connection with Spirit is eternal.

Mastering the mediumship mindset is a process that unfolds at the perfect rate for each individual. What may not seem important or valuable to you at one point in your mediumship journey may stand out during another phase.

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