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Lee Holden – Qigong to Supercharge Your Immune System

Lee Holden – Qigong to Supercharge Your Immune System

Unlock your inner power to boost your own health — as you receive easy-to-do movements, meditations, and breathing exercises to strengthen your lungs and power up your respiratory system.

What You’ll Learn In Qigong to Supercharge Your Immune System

In Qigong to Supercharge Your Immune System, Lee Holden will guide you through the crucial body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to successfully clear stress and tension, boost your immune system, and increase your vitality.

Qigong to Supercharge Your Immune System will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Lee. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of practices, tools, and principles to release stress and supercharge your immune system.

Module 1: Navigating Your Path to a Supercharged Immune System

In this opening session, Lee Holden will guide you to discover the roadmap you’ll need to prevent disease and build an ironclad immune system.

You’ll start by pinpointing where you are on your map right now, and how to get to the treasures you seek: less stress, more energy, abundant vitality, and supercharged immunity. Next you’ll take a quick look at the 5 Branches of Chinese Medicine and how they support your Wei Qi — your protective energy.

Then Lee will take you through a simple, elegant progression of movements to release stress and cultivate your Qi — so your immune system can function at its best.

Module 2: The Qigong Keys to Preventing Disease & Prolonging Life

Qigong has been called “The Art That Prevents Disease and Prolongs Life.” In this module, you’ll dive into grounding principles and elevated aspects of Qigong to activate the innate healing power within you.

You’ll discover the primary factor that Traditional Chinese Medicine views as the root cause of disease. You’ll find out what lowers immunity in the Qigong view, and how to cultivate “Righteous Qi” so there’s no room for negative energy to come in and deplete your immune function.

Lee Holden will also lead you through an Inquiry Meditation to help you navigate the next steps on your roadmap. And he’ll guide you through this session’s immune-boosting Qigong workout — as well as one of the simplest, most easily satisfying practices there is to cultivate positive energy within yourself.

Module 3: Deeper Practices Part I — How to Craft Your Own Qigong Routine

With over 3,000 styles of Qigong out there, how do you know what to practice or which techniques you need in your life at this time?

In this module, Lee will introduce the 7 Principles of Qigong to give you a deeper understanding of the practice. Exploring the “why” and “when” behind each element of a Qigong routine empowers you to easily craft a practice based on your own intentions and what feels nourishing to you.

This will also help you squeeze more out of the practices you’ve learned so far, and get clarity on what to include — and when to include it — in practices you create yourself to lower anxiety, increase vitality, prevent disease, and supercharge your immunity. As you’ll see, you can tailor health-boosting practices just for yourself, or for those you’re staying at home with too.

Module 4: Deeper Practices Part II — Tools for Self-Healing

In this module, you’ll finish your dive into the 7 Principles of Qigong. And you’ll delve further into how to rev up your self-healing powers when you create your own routines (or practice any set of routines).

Self-healing is a resource everyone should have access to. Modern medicine is full of frustrations — from the long waits in doctors’ offices to the distressing side effects of pharmaceuticals. But with your body’s tremendous healing power, you possess a wise and intelligent system that knows how to self-regulate.

Module 5: Get Into the Flow Effortlessly

As you’ve explored, flow is a key principle in Qigong — and Qigong is one of the only forms of exercise that focuses on flowing, water-like movements.

Of all the elements, water is the most flexible. It’s both soft and powerful. It teaches you exactly what the ancients meant when they described Qigong as “The Art of Effortless Power.”

This session, by mirroring the movements of water, you’ll wash away stress and stagnation and develop your inner healing power even further.

You’ll also find out how to create moments where you’re in the flow state, where you feel heightened energy, less stress, connected to the activities you do, and better able than ever to live in a healthy, resilient, joyful way — in deep compassion for yourself and the rest of life, no matter what’s going on in the world.

Module 6: Postures of Power

Now that you’ve explored flow in depth, this module will show you how postures are the banks of your river of flow. When the banks are intact, the water flows. Without strong banks, the water leaks out.

In this module, Lee Holden will take you through postures that provide structure for tapping into your healing power. As you’ll explore, your body is like an antenna, a conduit of energy and information. By holding postures with the correct intent, you’ll plug into healing energy and power up your entire mind/body system.

Module 7: Qi Living

In your final session with Lee, he’ll share how to sustain your practice and integrate its healing and preventative power in your everyday life.

You’ll pull out your roadmap to see how far you’ve come — and you may notice that you’re moving with greater ease, you’re feeling a new sense of peace, and your body feels stronger, more relaxed, and better able to protect itself.

You’ll also find out how to keep creating the life you truly want with the energy that requires: energy of mind, body, and emotion. You’ll come away with practices you can use for a lifetime to support a supercharged immune system and a healthy, joyous life.

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