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Rob Downey & Joe Rignola – Rewire Your Brain Masterclass

Rob Downey & Joe Rignola – Rewire Your Brain Masterclass

Rob Downey & Joe Rignola – Rewire Your Brain Masterclass

One-of-a-Kind Masterclass Teaches You How To Overcome Your Fears, Anxieties, and Limiting Beliefs To Transform Your Mindset So You Can Live a Life Full of Energy, Health, and Happiness.

Watch The Extended Preview Below! And Be Sure To Take Advantage of The 74% Savings… This Weekend Only!


Why You Need to Rewire Your Brain?

We have thousands and thousands of thoughts per day and research has discovered this alarming fact…

MOST of these thoughts are negative and are rooted in the subconscious!

This stems from past events, experiences, and even traumas.

It can also be a result of well-meaning caregivers who were trying to protect us.

One thing is for certain: when you have thoughts like, “I’m not good enough, I’m not capable, I’ll never succeed, I’ll never be healthy, and others,” those aren’t true.

In fact, it’s not even your voice. They are thoughts and paradigms that were taught to you over years or decades of conditioning.

It’s time to break free form these mental shackles that are keeping you stuck.

What You’ll Learn In Rewire Your Brain Masterclass

  • How to FINALLY Overcome Negtive Thought Patterns
  • How Stress and Anxiety Causes Inflammation, and Impacts Your Health
  • How Your Thoughts are Keeping You Sick (and how to create healthy thoughts)
  • How Chidlhood Trauma is Still Trapped in Your Body
  • How Even a Happy Childhood Could Include Some Trauma
  • How To Reframe Your Thoughts and Emotions to Achive Your Goals
  • How to Face AND Overcome Your Deepest Fears
  • Top Habits Used By The World’s Most Successful People
  • How You Can Easily Rewire Your Brain So You Can Be Healthy, Happy, and Successful
  • Simple Actions That Will Virtually Eliminate Stress and Anxiety

Our World-Class Experts Are Here To Guide You On The Most Important Journey Of Your Life… The Journey BACK To Your True Self!

About The Authors

About Rob Downey

Dr. Rob Downey is a family practice MD and IFM Certified Practitioner. He grew up in Montana and has practiced medicine in Montana and Alaska for twenty-plus years.

He loves living in Alaska. He takes joy in family time, whole food, mindfulness, running, skiing, cycling, fishing, rafting, reading, poetry, road trips and listening to music (with an everlasting soft spot for loud alternative/rock-and-roll).

He finds functional medicine endlessly fascinating for its ability to transform lives into radiant vitality. If you don’t find him at his clinic, or by a window at home, with a hot beverage and a book, you will find him out-of-doors

About Joe Rignola

Joe Rignola is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and best-selling author. He began his own health journey about 16 years ago while dealing with depression, anxiety, severe digestive issues, weight gain, and more.

After researching alternatives to the medications he was on, Joe was able to take control of his health by changing his diet and lifestyle.

Filled with gratitude for his newfound health and energy, Joe went back to school to study health and nutrition so he could help others along their journey.

He is the founder of the 200,000-member community,]

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