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Marci Shimoff – 30 Days to a Happier Life

Marci Shimoff – 30 Days to a Happier Life

Marci Shimoff – 30 Days to a Happier Life

Here’s What You’ll Discover in 30 Days to a Happier Life Video Program:

  • The Inner Ease technique: a 5-minute exercise you can do at any time of day that relies on the power of the bonding hormone oxytocin to make you feel more at peace, at ease, and expanded
  • 4 simple ways to train your brain to hold on to happy moments longer and have them “burned” into your memory bank easier, so you can look back on your past with joyful nostalgia instead of regret and longing
  • A simple strategy that uses brain science to reprogram your thoughts to a more positive and happier state
  • A fun, creative thought game you can play every day, by yourself, or with your partner or kids, that builds stronger neural pathways for happiness and keeps you humming in positivity
  • A practice I learned from a master of Chinese Qigong that demonstrates the power of visualization and positive outcome using just your hands
  • The Blame, Shame, and Complain Game: A fun money-based game that will train you to get out of “victim mode” at home, at work, or among your friends, so you can build positive mental habits and have greater success in life
  • The secret that happy people already know about how to have a positive attitude and love life no matter what kind of unfortunate, tragic, or unlucky things happen
  • What research says is evidence that your thoughts, emotions, and capacity for happiness has physical effects on your body and what to do to prevent unhappiness from damaging your vital organs
  • A physical exercise that requires no special equipment or skill that puts your brain activity and biochemistry into a more calm, peaceful, and loving state when you’re feeling shut down, stressed, or upset
  • A Buddhist practice anyone can do at any time that opens your heart and expands your ability to feel compassion for yourself and others, enabling you to go from feeling sorry for yourself and your circumstances to totally transforming your life
  • The 3-day sleep challenge that allows you to tap into your body’s natural “healing time” every night, so you can maximize the amount of time you have to rest and rejuvenate every day
  • A meditation you do outdoors every day (especially in winter) that can reset your internal clock and help fight insomnia, as well as increase your natural production of serotonin, so you can gain a sense of wellbeing and contentment
  • Techniques to connect to a sense of reverence and wonder about life, so that your life takes on a different dimension and everything is filled with grace
  • What to do if you feel disconnected from your intuition or inner wisdom and have been making questionable decisions and taking wrong turns in life (find out techniques and tools that can help you connect to your soul’s wisdom right away)
  • A guided writing prompt that helps you connect with your Higher Self and get the answer to a question that’s been on your mind about your life or relationships
  • How to trust that things will work out and “go with the flow” in life, instead of always worrying about what’s going to go wrong (You’ll be surprised at how this can get you MORE of what you want!)
  • A powerful reflection exercise with 5 questions designed to help you get more in touch with your life’s passion, so you can stop doing the work that drains you and live your life with a greater sense of purpose
  • What the 5 people with whom you spend the most time have to say about the quality of your life, and what you can do today to distance yourself from negative people and those who are dragging your happiness down

30 Days to a Happier Life is a holistic program that helps you master the habits of happiness by addressing your thoughts, physiology, biochemistry, relationships, spiritual life, and your sense of purpose in the world.

You may already feel empowered and content in some of these areas of your life, while weak in others. This program will show you practices and exercises to strengthen the areas where you are most challenged, and validate and reinforce the areas where you already thrive. By the end of the 30 days, you’ll have everything you need to raise your happiness set-point in order to feel brighter, lighter, and more positive about life.

Here’s how this program is structured and what you’ll be learning:

What We’ll Cover In Each of the 30 Days to a Happier Life

Days 1-5: The Pillar of the Mind Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Learn how to rewire your brain for happiness, through techniques designed to increase the amount of optimistic and positive thoughts you have throughout the day.

Days 6-9: The Foundation Take Responsibility for Your Happiness
Discover why certain mindsets and attitudes either contribute to or sap your happiness, and hear how you can make happiness a choice, no matter what’s going on in your life or what personal challenges you face.

Days 10-13: The Pillar of the Heart Open Your Heart to Yourself and Others
Living with an open heart is one of the pillars to happiness. Find out how to become a more open and loving person to yourself and others, through exercises that enforce the habits that will make your heart blossom with compassion and warmth.

Days 14-17: The Pillar of the Body Uplevel Your Biochemistry of Happiness
Your happiness set-point can be raised by altering and improving the health of your body’s and brain’s physiology. In these videos you’ll learn everyday health habits that increase serotonin and other “feel good” body chemicals.

Days 18-21: The Pillar of Spirit/Soul Plug Into the Greater Energy of Life
Learn how to get closer to the soulful or spiritual side of life, or forge a stronger connection with your Higher Self, in order to trust yourself, trust life, and feel happy.

Days 22-25: The Roof Discover Your Life’s Purpose
Knowing that you’re living a purpose-filled life is critical to happiness. Find out what your purpose is and how to live according to that purpose, whether or not you enjoy what you do every day.

Days 26-30: The Garden Nurture the Relationships That Create Happiness
Learn the secrets to surrounding yourself with the kind of relationships that feed your happiness and make life a joy.

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