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Bonny Casel – Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences

Bonny Casel – Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences

Bonny Casel – Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences

Quantum Botanicals Advanced

The Quantum Botanicals Diploma Course, personally created and mentored by Bonny Casel, offers an extraordinarily expansive exploration of the plant world, which celebrates the nature of consciousness and quantum physics, and opens the heart and mind in profound ways that will forever change the way you perceive healing, the relationship between mind, body and nature, and the patient-practitioner relationship.

The Quantum Botanicals Professional Diploma Course is comprised of:

  • No 2: FOUR 5 DAY IMMERSION TRAININGS: In Healing Diets, Herbal Medicine, Essential Oils & Healing Touch, and Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences

All students begin their Diploma Course studies by enrolling in the Online Certification Course. Immersions are then enrolled in at your own pace, as you progress with your studies. You do not need to enrol on or pay for your Immersion Trainings, until you are ready to do so. Immersion Trainings can be undertaken in any order and each Immersion is offered on alternate years. Once you have completed each Online Certification Course, you will receive professional certification and upon completion of relevant Immersion Trainings and the Self-Healing Module, you will then graduate with each course diploma (see below), culminating in achieving your Quantum Botanicals Advanced Therapist diploma.

Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences Immersion

BACK TO TOPThe Quantum Botanicals Immersion encompasses a deep study of plant based vibrational medicine and flower essences. Studies begin with the fundamentals of ‘What is Matter?’ ‘What is Health?’ and ‘What is Cure?’ leading to an exploration of the science that underpins vibrational medicine.

Within the context of current understanding of energy, space, matter, organised energy fields, and the fractal nature of body, mind and emotions, students learn how the interconnectedness of mind and body can be harnessed to support self healing and evolution of consciousness.

Through lectures and experiential classes, students explore the world of plants, both physically and vibrationally, with reference to studies of plant consciousness, plant senses, the 12 Windows of Perception and human-plant resonance, leading to study of flower essences, felt sense, heart-brain coherence, brain hemisphere processing, the language of feeling and emotions, and the relationship between mental and emotional states, health and disease.

The study of flower essences is structured around the 38 Bach Flower Remedies as we learn about the 12 Healers (core personality types), the 12 Helpers (for when the core personality is obscured by long-term disassociation or environmental influences) and the 19 Situational Remedies (for current internal and/or external stresses and influences). Other flower essences systems are introduced and students are invited to explore their resonance with a range of essence producers including Flower Essences Services (FES) remedies, Icelandic Nature Essences, Alaskan Essences and others.

Every topic is fully integrated with the next, so that all topics are understood as a whole with a focus on developing therapeutic skills and creating effective programs, so that this knowledge can be used effectively in practice.

“It has been a very intense and profound immersion, every single day was worth it!”

Maurizio Ensaldo Healing Diets Nutritional Consultant graduate and Quantum Botanicals student

What You’ll Learn In Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences

All plant medicine is vibrational medicine, including diet, herbs, essential oils, flower essences and homeopathic remedies that utilise the vibrational/quantum field of plants. Learn about the fundamental science that underpins vibrational medicine, and how to engage the power of quantum and fractal potential through plant nutrition and medicine.

  • Discover the world of plant frequencies, quantum and fractal potential, heart-brain coherence and vibrational medicine through a comprehensive study of the nature of matter and energy. Learn to understand how consciousness communicates with matter, the relationship between thoughts, emotions and cellular function, direct perception plant communication, flower essences and a range of vibrational modalities that support the healing process.
  • This course combines a strong foundation in the science of quantum healing with a deep study of consciousness; left and right brain hemisphere attention and processing, unconscious and collective unconscious vibrational archetypes, and mind-body healing with vibrational medicine.
  • The course explores healing diets, culinary and medicinal herbs, essential oils and flower essence therapy in-depth, as a profound opportunity to support healing of thoughts and emotions that hinder our path towards wholeness, peace and conscious experience of life.
  • The course also introduces students to traditional and indigenous perspectives on the relationship between subtle energies of mind, emotions and the physical body, including study of Ayurvedic, Chinese and other traditional systems.
  • The Quantum Botanicals Advanced Online Certification Course is accredited by the BFVEA and AADP. Graduates receive the Healing Diets Coach and Herbal Medicine Certifications, and the Healing Diets Nutritional Consultant and Quantum Botanicals Advanced Therapist Professional Diplomas. When students complete all modules and Immersion Trainings for the Quantum Botanicals Advanced Diploma, they also qualify as a board certified Alternative Medical Practitioner with the AAMA and a Holistic Health Practitioner with the AADP.

Quantum Botanicals & Flower Essences Topics

  • Mind Maps
  • What is Matter
  • Euclidian/Newtonian Science
  • Scientific Method/Planck/Einstein/Quantum
  • Physicias/Mandelbrot Set/Holographic Universe/Fractal Potential
  • How does matter communicate?
  • Electromagnetic Energy
  • How do cells communicate?
  • Self organisation & emergent behaviours
  • Left/Right brain hemisphere dynamics
  • Heart Math/Heart Brain Entrainment
  • Intuition
  • Felt Sense
  • Metta Practice
  • Plant Consciousness
  • Darwin & Botany
  • History of Plants as Medicine
  • How Plants Communicate
  • Direct Perception Plant Communication
  • Physical and Subtle Bodies
  • Etheric Body
  • Emotional/Pain Body
  • Mental Body
  • Spiritual Body/Consciousness
  • Bulleted List Item
  • Sub-Conscious/Collective Unconscious
  • Relationship between Mind, Emotions and Physical Body
  • Candace Pert – the effect of emotions on molecular/cell behaviour
  • What is Vibrational Medicine
  • What is Health?
  • What is Disease?
  • Natural Laws
  • Early development of Homeopathy
  • Elemental energetics – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether
  • Why Water?
  • Ayurvedic Chakras & Emotions
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • History of Dr. Edward Bach
  • Early development of the Bach Flower Remedies
  • Bach – 12 Healers
  • Bach – 4 + 3 Helpers
  • Bach – 19 Situation Remedies
  • Flower Essences in Practice
  • Patterns of Behaviour – mental/emotional imbalances play out through individual constitutional strenghts and weaknesses in disease creation
  • Flower Essences – Acute and Chronic approaches to treatment
  • Flower Essences and depression, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, trauma/PTSD, abuse, addiction, life direction, etc.
  • Developing empathy and compassion
  • Consultation skills
  • Observation and active listening
  • Choosing a remedy for yourself
  • Choosing a rememdy for others – conslutation, dousing, muscle testing
  • Case History skills
  • MYMOP patient questionnaires
  • Combining vibrational modalities
  • Polarity therapy and flower essences
  • Floral acupuncture and the Chinese meridians
  • Essential oils and flower essences
  • Herbal Medicine and Quantum Healing
  • Reiki and flower essences
  • Sound healing and flower essences
  • Colour therapy and flower essences
  • Vibrational essences
  • Nature Remedies & Tree Essences
  • Gem, Crystal and Star Elixers
  • Essence development
  • Product creation/storage/hygiene/carriers/labelling/packaging
  • Energy medicine chest
  • Practice development
  • Code of Conduct – Ethics

About Bonny Casel

Bonny has studied with many of the world’s leading trailblazers and teachers of Natural Medicine, including Dr. John Christopher, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Bruce Lipton, Farida Sharan ND (Bonny’s mother), Denny Johnson, Dorothy Hall and Nassim Haramein. She is a Professional Member of the Association of Master Herbalists, a Tutor Member of the British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association and a Professional Member of British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

She is also a Professional Member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners and the General Naturopathic Council. Bonny created the first NHS course that integrates the full spectrum of dietary and lifestyle interventions for self care, delivered to SLAM NHS Trust (now incorporated into the Recovery College) and also offers Lifestyle Medicine for Self Care training to healthcare providers.

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