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Harlan Kilstein & Dave Dobson – Emotional Integrity (Day 01)

Harlan Kilstein & Dave Dobson – Emotional Integrity (Day 01)

Harlan Kilstein & Dave Dobson – Emotional Integrity (Day 01)

Within Minutes of Using These Techniques, You Can Eliminate A Lifetime of Anger, Fear, Shyness or Any Negative Emotion.

Even Better, You Will Turn Your Life Around And Go After Your Goals With Everything You Have.

No Longer Held Back By Age Old Obstacles, Resistance or Self-Sabotage.

What You’ll Learn In Emotional Integrity

  • Live your ultimate life of freedom, love, openness, and the fearlessness you were meant to have.
  • Get in touch with your deepest heart’s desire and watch it come to life. You can have it – even if you can’t even dream it yet.
  • Have the unlimited wealth you deserve.
  • Have the passionate romance you’ve only dreamed about – even if your relationship has gone stale. You can fix the relationships you want to keep or free yourself to find true love – which you may never have thought was possible.
  • Become closer to your children and have them love and respect you.
  • Step through your parents’ limitations and love them for who they are and create powerful connections. This is possible even if it has been denied to you until now.
  • Traumas and bad feelings are ended. The negative emotions, the anger, the fear – all of that just stops.
  • And the best part is – you’ll be stunned how quickly it works and I can put the secret in your hands in just minutes.

The essence of what I do is help people understand the limiting patterns in their lives.

People live their lives repeating patterns that do not serve them.

There are two steps to the process:

  • Identifying patterns that may have been running since childhood limiting peoples’ lives.
  • Helping people overcome these patterns and help them with more useful ones.

Once you’ve done these two steps it’s easy to..

Root Out The Real Cause of What’s Been Holding You Back!

Over the years of working with people I have came to understand the number one issue people faced in their lives was fear. And if you could overcome fear, you became UNSTOPPABLE.

Let me show you how to move beyond fear.

Your New Life Is Just Ahead

Here’s what I want for you:

  • The ability to break free from playing small so you can experience real freedom, love, openness, and fearlessness (even if you’ve never done it before).
  • The ability to connect with what’s unsaid inside your heart and be able to express it openly and boldly.
  • I want you to have financial freedom and unlimited wealth. (You can have it all).
  • I want you to live your life filled with passion even if the one in your life is bored or no longer interested.
  • I want you to have the kind of relationship you never dreamed about with your children and have them love you and respect you.
  • I want you to be able to see beyond your parents behaviors and create an incredible connection with them and honestly love them.
  • and ultimately…

I Want You To Master Your Life and Experience Freedom

  • Discover how to tune inward and dial down outside distractions in your life so your can open up to the messages calling from your emotions and your heart.
  • Ask yourself questions to bring yourself in alignment with desires you didn’t even know you had.
  • Rapidly and easily sort out real desires from misguided hopes and wishes. You’ll rapidly distinguish between the voice calling from your own heart and the demands made on you by others.
  • You’ll be able to focus on exactly what you want out of life and eliminate all obstacles keeping you from your dreams.
  • You’ll make the right decisions without ever second guessing yourself. For many people this is one of the most important principles they’ll ever learn.

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