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Swinggcat – Foundations For Generating Attraction Audio Course

Swinggcat – Foundations For Generating Attraction Audio Course

Swinggcat – Foundations For Generating Attraction

The “Foundations For Generating Attraction” audio course offers techniques for approaching women, push-pull, story telling, cold reading, rapport, and role playing.

What You’ll Learn In Foundations For Generating Attraction

  • Paradigm Shifting Attraction Secrets
  • The Attributes Of Men Who Emotionally Leave Women No Choice But To Respond To Them As A Prize They’re Willing To Do Whatever It Takes To Win Over
  • Developing The Beliefs & Confidence That Destine You For Success With The Women You Desire
  • Using The Meta-Frame
  • Using Nested Loops To Keep Women Hanging Onto Your Every Word
  • Using Push-Pull To Generate Attraction
  • Sparking Connections
  • Using Dark Side Rapport
  • Meeting & Approaching Women The Right Way
  • Using Story Telling
  • Using Cold Reading
  • Using Qualifying & Challenging
  • Developing The Body Language
  • Using Role Playing
  • Tests Women Throw & Barriers They Put Up
  • Other Attraction Generating Secrets

About Swinggcat 

Swinggcat was one of the early innovators of “The Game” and a member of the Seduction Community in the late 1990s, studying under Ross Jeffries. Later he created his own original approach that later became very popular and has since been integrated into many of the approaches used by other dating instructors.

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