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Robert Moss – Active Dreaming: The Essential Training

Robert Moss – Active Dreaming: The Essential Training

Robert Moss – Active Dreaming: The Essential Training

Immerse yourself in advanced practices for awakening… in your dreamtime and in your daily life.

Discover leading-edge principles of dreamwork for healing, transformation, and spiritual evolution.

Open to your higher wisdom, a magical flow of synchronicities, and an ever-expanding experience of life.

What You’ll Learn In Active Dreaming: The Essential Training

During Active Dreaming: The Essential Training, Robert Moss will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills. and practices you’ll need to use your dreams as portals for shamanic journeys into the multiverse — and to become a co-creator of the reality you inhabit.

Each teaching session will build upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles of Active Dreaming, enabling you to directly access the hidden orders of reality, the remembering of your soul’s wisdom, and the larger story of your life.

Module 1: Wake Up & Dream

The essence of the shaman’s power to travel and heal is the ability to dream strong. In our everyday modern lives, we stand at the edge of such power when we dream and remember to do something with our dreams. In this first module, Robert Moss will explain how real shamans are — first and foremost — dreamers who can step in and out of other dimensions.

Module 2: Become a Shaman of the Breakfast Table

We’ll discover that each of us can play guide for others, and that by sharing in the right way we claim our voice, grow our power as storytellers and communicators, build stronger friendships, and lay foundations for a new kind of community. We’ll also explore fun ways of talking and walking our dreams, and for bringing energy and guidance from the dreamworld into everyday life. Above all, we’ll learn to take action to embody this energy and guidance for incorporation into our lives.

Module 3: Follow the Royal Road to Lucid Dreaming

The easiest way to become a conscious or lucid dreamer is to start out conscious and stay that way as the action unfolds. The border state of hypnagogia — the place between sleep and awake — is a wonderful launch pad for lucid dreaming.

A remembered dream or personal image may be the ideal portal for a lucid dream adventure.

A dream is a journey; it is also a place. You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life; and because you have been to that place, you can find your way there again.

Yet we don’t have to travel alone on the roads of dreaming. By learning the skills of the dream tracker, we can accompany friends on their journeys — to reclaim souls and move beyond fear and regret — as true soul companions.

Module 4: Become a Kairomancer

Robert Moss invented the word kairomancy because he wanted a new word to define the art of living by synchronicity. The key element is to recognize and act in those special moments when the universe gets personal and you feel something coming through from a deeper reality.

Kairomancy literally means “divination by special moments.” For the ancient Greeks, the special moment is a god by the name of Kairos. He’s the antithesis of the old god Chronos, who represents linear time. Kairos is now time, jump time, opportunity time.

To become a kairomancer, you need to learn to trust your feelings as you walk the road of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, and to recognize in your gut and your skin that you know far more than you can access on the surface of consciousness.

Module 5: Become a Time Traveler

Our dreams are constantly coaching us for challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on the road of life. It’s possible that we rehearse everything that will take place in the future in our dreams, though we forget most of it — until later events catch up with a dream, and we experience that familiar sense of déjà vu.

Seeing things in our dreams that later happen is called precognition. We also see things that may or may not happen, depending on what we choose to do with the information.

In this module, we’ll embark on wide-awake visionary journeys to scout out the possible future for ourselves, our families, and our world. If we don’t know where we’re going, we’re likely to end up where we’re headed. The future we can see is often a future we can reshape for the better.

Module 6: Reclaim Your Animal Spirits

When shamans go dreaming, they characteristically operate under the protection and guidance of animal guardians. Forging a close relationship with one or more “power animals” is central to developing the arts of shamanic dream travel and tracking. It’s invaluable in maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space.

A conscious connection with animal guardians shows us how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body.

Animal dreams may be the doorway to developing strong working relations with animal guardians. These dreams may hold up a mirror to our health or habits. They may show us how we need to feed and attend to our bodies. They may reveal a potential we have not yet developed. They may tell a story — like one of Aesop’s fables — about our lives or relationships. They may be the place of encounter between our dream self and a spiritual ally or guardian.

Module 7: Dreaming With Spiritual Guides

Our authentic spiritual allies and teachers come looking for us in dreams. They put on masks or costumes adapted to our level of understanding. There’s an old Greek saying that “the gods love to travel in disguise.” The sacred guide may appear in a form that has been shaped by our religious upbringing — or in a form that is wildly shocking to conventional beliefs. Genuine teachers often love to shock us awake.

The encounter with the guide may challenge us to brave up, to move decisively beyond the fear and clinging of the little everyday mind in order to claim our connection with deeper sources of wisdom and true power. And it may be that the most important spiritual teacher we can know is no stranger, but the Higher Self. The liminal state of consciousness between sleep and waking is an especially propitious time for conversation with this guide.

Module 8: Healing Our Relations With the Departed

We have natural communication with the departed in our dreams, and for many dreamers this is direct and life-changing evidence of the reality of the soul and its survival of physical death.

The departed appear in our dreams either because they have not really left, or because they come visiting, or because in dreaming we enter their realms. These encounters offer us important opportunities for healing, closure, and giving or receiving forgiveness and guidance.

Our departed may come as “family angels,” with life-supporting counsel and information. Or they may need help and guidance from us – because they have unfinished business, or are lost or confused or crippled by guilt or unable to detach from old environments and addictions. In such cases, as Yeats observed, the living may be able to “assist the imaginations of the dead.”

This week, we will seek timely and helpful communication with the departed. We will share personal experiences and needs — and develop the skills and spiritual resources to serve as guides and healers for survivors, and for the departed themselves. We’ll also develop personal rituals to honor our ancestors. We’ll learn that healing and forgiveness are always available, across the apparent barrier of death.

Module 9: The Healing Power of Dreams

Our dreams show us what’s going on inside our bodies and what we need to stay well. When we do become ill, our dreams give us fresh and powerful imagery for self-healing. By working with personal imagery — and changing the images in positive ways — we can actually create a new blueprint for the body.

When we learn to go back inside our dreams and dream them onward, we open paths of healing for others and ourselves. Active Dreaming is central to soul recovery — reclaiming any vital energy we’ve lost through pain, heartbreak, guilt, or addiction.

Module 10: Soul Recovery Through Shamanic Dreaming

Soul-loss, in shamanic understanding, is a primary source of illness, depression, and mental confusion. We lose vital soul energy through pain, trauma, and heartbreak, through wrenching life choices, and by giving up on our big dreams and ceasing to live our soul’s purpose.

When we lose the energy of soul, the magic goes out of life. We are often fatigued for no apparent reason, we can’t experience joy or love, and there’s a gaping hole in us that we try to fill with addictive behaviors. Soul-loss can put us in the procession of the walking dead, playing the roles that other people cast us for, no longer knowing who we are or why we are in this world.

The Iroquois say that if we have lost our dreams, we have lost our souls. But when we reopen to our dreams, they can show us where our soul energy has gone, and how to bring it home.

Module 11: Become a Conscious Traveler in the Many Worlds

You are ready to claim the power of an open secret: the only time is Now. All other times — past, present, and parallel — can be accessed in this moment of Now, and may be changed for the better. You stand at the center of all times. The dramas of lives being lived in other times and in parallel realities may be intensely relevant to understanding and navigating your current relationships and life issues.

Part of the secret logic of our lives may be that our paths constantly interweave with those of numberless parallel selves, sometimes converging or even merging, sometimes diverging ever further. The gifts and failings of these alternate selves may influence us when our paths converge, in ways that we generally fail to recognize.

Module 12: Become a Dreamgiver & Dream Ambassador

We dream for our communities and our world, as well as for ourselves and those near to us. We can learn to do this as a conscious practice in the service of peace and healing. By bringing dreams into the lives of people around us, we can heal and revitalize all our relations, our workplace, our schools, our health care, and our communities.

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