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Matt Artisan – Desire and Escalation Mastery

Matt Artisan – Desire and Escalation Mastery

Matt Artisan – Desire and Escalation Mastery

The Advanced 6-Module Video Course That Helps You Become The Man Who Women Want To Sleep With.

The Desire and Escalation Mastery is a proven and field-tested outline for becoming a sexual, powerful man that turns women on and makes them want to be with you.

With 8 hours of expert video training, The Desire and Escalation Mastery dives into the primal female sex brain, the exact neurochemistry that causes a woman to feel turned on, how you can trigger her primal desires to make her want you, and specific methods for becoming a sexual man using your natural personality.

In fact, unlike most courses overloaded with +25 hours of content (who ever has time for that?) we decided to leave out all the useless, overcomplicated information… leaving you with only the most effective strategies for creating sexual attraction with women.

These are the only methods you’ll ever need to make a satisfying difference in your sex & dating life.

What You’ll Learn In The Desire and Escalation Mastery

Module 1: Triggering Primal Attraction

Learn how the female sex brain works, so you can gain confidence knowing exactly what turns women on. You will become clear on how to create deep romantic attraction, setting you apart from other frustrated chumps who feel hopeless with women.

Here’s a look at what’s inside:

  • Finally, learn what women really want in a sexual man.
  • ONE thing you must learn about yourself before you talk to another woman. If you don’t have this, she’ll look down on you like most unattractive, clueless men who struggle to meet women.
  • The simple, real, and TRUE definition of “confidence” that women look for in a man – this is the kind of confidence that make makes her want to be in an intimate relationship with you.
  • Advanced sensual attraction theory that explains why you can be short, small, skinny, fat, poor, or old… and still come off as an attractive, powerful man that women want to meet.
  • Revealed: The “Primal Attraction” equation that describes the perfect balance between being “nice” and being “powerful” (most men are too nice, soft and gentle… this will show you how to balance that out so women feel turned on to you, without being a jerk).
  • And so much more.

Module 2: Sexual Chemistry

Learn about the chemicals in the female brain that cause her to feel intense desire. This will give you a deeper grasp of female psychology and help you understand that women aren’t as complicated and tricky as you thought. These brain chemicals can be ethically influenced – in very natural and honest ways – to make women want you.

You’ll discover:

  • The scientifically proven chemical reaction that occurs in a woman’s brain when she meets a confident man (she has no control over these chemicals… while you have 100% control over what influences them).
  • Why Dopamine plays a critical role in female attraction – you’ll learn exactly how to cause a “Dopamine Dump” inside her brain so she starts smiling, laughing, and flirting with you more.
  • The #1 quality in a male that females link to sex (aka: because of her natural neurochemistry, if you can portray this ONE quality, you’ll trigger a deep desire that makes her want to be intimate with you.)
  • How to exude that powerful #1 quality in your own personality.
  • Unconventional advice most dating coaches DON’T teach their students… but will make women crave being around you, strangers love being in your presence, and will fill you with a level of confidence that can’t be shattered.
  • And a lot more.

Module 3: Rapid Seduction Formula

Learn how to portray yourself as a powerful, sexual man rather than a needy “nice guy”. This will give you a much higher chance at attracting women because you’ll immediately give off a sensual vibe. This is the key to leaving a first impression on a woman that makes her want you instead of being out in her friend zone.

Here’s a look at what’s inside:

  • Three field-tested ways to start any conversation, no matter what situation you’re in – this is what I’ve discovered after 5 years of talking to thousands of women… and it’s all you’ll ever need.
  • Five attributes you must have when you introduce yourself to a woman (the “Look of Desire” will make her see you as powerful, attractive, and sexy… nearly every single time).
  • One amazing method all high-status men secretly know that turn women on like wild (THIS is the reason nice guys end up frustrated while other “assholes” get all the women).
  • The only 3 things women expect from men when going out at night (no, it’s not buying her and her friends a drink… but learning this will give you a greater chance of her friends letting her be alone with you).
  • Revealed: You will finally learn the mysterious art of “flirting” and how you can make it a natural part of your personality (flirting is a combination of a few simple things, and you’ll learn it here!)

Module 4: Rapid Escalation

You’ll learn how to quickly create desire in a woman directly after meeting her. This will teach you how to take control of the interaction, so you don’t waste your time having boring conversations and “waiting” for the right moment.

In this module, we’ll cover:

  • How to genuinely make her feel like you would never judge her sexual desires. This is a reason a lot of women won’t sleep with a guy; because they are afraid of judgment. You will create a judgment-free space where she can express and experience her desires openly.
  • What to do when you make a move and a woman rejects you (there is only 1 of 2 things you should do, both of which will make you more attractive in her eyes).
  • The insider truth on what makes some guys creepy, and other guys sexy… even though they say the same exact thing. You’ll learn how to say anything you want and make her love you for it.
  • Why you must ALWAYS go for the kiss on a date. Even if she rejects you, she’ll see you as a confident man who goes after what he wants… and this triggers a subtle primal attraction towards you.
  • Advanced: Master the art of sensual tension – how to create it, build it, play with it, tease her with it, and resolve it – so she swells with desire and can’t stop fantasizing about you.
  • Plus. much more.

Module 5: Texting & Dates

Learn the only method you’ll ever need to know so you don’t end up lost in a beautiful woman’s contacts. You’ll never again waste your time with text conversations that end up nowhere… but instead, lead her to meet up with you again for a first date.

You’ll also learn about what to say, what to do, and where to take a woman on a date. This will get rid of first-date jitters and bring out your natural confidence for her to experience.

You’ll get:

  • The perfect time to send the first text (this applies to any woman in any situation, and no, it’s not any of this “wait-three-days” B.S. that never works).
  • ONE thing you can do to guarantee she texts you back right away… before you even exchange numbers (this is more advanced, but this is also what separates you from most boring guys she’ll meet).
  • Six proven ways to actually build attraction and make a woman like you through texting.
  • Examples of the actual messages you should text a woman, and exactly what you should say if you want to come off as an attractive, confident man.
  • Top dating strategies when taking her out for the first time. Where do you take her? How long should you stay? Should it be fancy or casual? When is the best time to make a move?… all of these questions will be answered in this module.
  • How to never run out of things to talk about on a first date (this is actually based on a really fun game I like to play with every woman I meet… because it never fails).

Module 6: Next Steps Action Plan

Finally, we wrap up all the modules in The Desire and Escalation Mastery and help you internalize everything we teach. This will help you become more natural instead of constantly thinking “what to do” or “what to say” next.

Through the Next Steps Action Plan, you’ll start enjoying the confidence that comes with becoming a sexually attractive man and the way women look at you differently.

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