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The Energy Blueprint – The Breathing For Energy Program

The Breathing For Energy Program

The Energy Blueprint – The Breathing For Energy Program

Supercharge Your Energy, Hyper-Oxygenate Your Cells, and Re-Wire Your Nervous System Out of Chronic Stress and Anxiety Mode – with The Hidden Key to Optimal Health…

If you’ve been struggling with low energy levels that are quietly sabotaging every area of your life…

Suffering from brain fog, depression, or chronic anxiety…

It’s time to get these issues handled and take control of your life once and for all.

One of the least well-known (you could say “secret”) things within medical science is that the MAJORITY of people (9 out of 10) have DYSFUNCTIONAL breathing habits that have been ingrained by chronic stress…

Which is SABOTAGING their energy levels and causing chronic stress/anxiety — day in, day out, with every breath they take.

This is a MAJOR key to taking control of your energy, health, longevity, and mood. (And so few even realize they have any problem with their breathing!)

I’ve partnered with world-leading breathing expert Patrick McKeown (author of The Oxygen Advantage) to bring you the most powerful breathwork training system for increasing energy levels ever developed.

This is the most comprehensive compilation of the most cutting-edge breathing science in existence. And it’s 100% guaranteed to get you REAL results that LAST.

After just 8 weeks following the Breathing For Energy Program, you will:

  • Have a 10-minute daily practice that powerfully builds your mitochondria (this is the single fastest way to increase energy levels I’ve found in over 25 years)
  • Rewire your AUTOMATIC/NON-CONSCIOUS breathing pattern to deliver more oxygen to your cells every moment of every day, with every breath you take. (More O2 = More Energy!)
  • Be armed with powerful breathing hacks to decrease anxiety (the single fastest way to rid your body and brain of anxiety EVER discovered)
  • Powerfully boost your immune function (breathing the right way is a huge key to optimal immune function — which is critical right now, for obvious reasons)
  • Learn the 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Understand why dysfunctional breathing — which over 9 out of 10 people have — is a common cause of brain fog and mood problems (and how improving circulation to your brain with breathing can fix it!)
  • Massively boost your fitness, stamina, endurance, strength, and performance in sports and exercise!
  • Why breathing practices are often the secret key to helping you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • Specific breathing techniques to change your CO2 threshold, which is the big key to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease your anxiety levels

What You’ll Learn In The Breathing For Energy Program:

Advanced Breathing Science with Ari Whitten

This module will give you a deep dive into the science of how breath training can rewire your physiology.

  • The 4 Keys to Optimal Breathing
  • How to take control of your internal levels of CO2, NO, and 02 to optimize your moment-to-moment energy, focus, and relaxation
  • Neurological hacks to instantly increase energy,relaxation, or focus
  • How to permanently rewire your brain for energy and focus
  • The 4 steps to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode (with GUIDED practices)
  • Why IHT is the single fastest way to increase your energy I’ve ever discovered (and 6 levels of progressive, fully GUIDED and FUN practices!)

Breathwork for ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and Burnout (i.e. for Recovering Energy) with Patrick McKeown

This is a 7-week guided, step-by-step breathwork training program with Patrick McKeown to help you overcome severe fatigue or burnout. It’s all about recovering ENERGY for those with severe chronic fatigue.

  • Tools to rewire your brain and nervous system how to breathe properly, and will reset your CO2 threshold and superoxygenate your cells to have more energy than you’ve had in years!
  • A 7-week progressive and GENTLE program specifically designed for those with severe fatigue and ME/CFS
  • Tools to re-train your automatic breathing habits
  • You’ll get one new module every week to gently progress from the previous week
  • Step-by-step training videos with fully guided practices to teach you through the exercises, so you can overcome fatigue and get your energy back!

Breathwork For Insomnia, Snoring And Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Patrick McKeown

This module is designed to help you massively improve your sleep, overcome insomnia and eliminate snoring.

  • Specific training system with fully guided practices to open your airways and breathe deeply
  • Program Builder sheet to help you build the program that fits your needs
  • Hacks to help you eliminate snoring and improve your sleep, so you can sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid

Breathwork For Anxiety And Panic Disorder with Patrick McKeown

This module is designed to help you lower stress and stop anxiety and panic attacks.

  • Step by step training videos and audios to guide you through the exercises to rewire your brain and nervous out of chronic stress/anxiety mode
  • Eliminate negative thinking and entrain the brain into relaxation as your new baseline state
  • Program Builder sheet to help you build the program that fits your needs, at your specific level
  • Practices and hacks to retrain your automatic breathing habits and reset your CO2 threshold to squash anxiety

Invincible Breathing For Mental And Physical Performance with Patrick McKeown

This module is designed to help you take your energy and performance to the next level.

  • Step-by-step training videos and audios to guide you through the exercises to profoundly improve your fitness, endurance, and stamina
  • Program Builder sheet to help you build the program that fits your needs
  • Tools to help you boost your performance

6 LEVELS of Progressive, Advanced Guided Intermittent Hypoxia Training Practices

In this module, you will learn how to take your breathing to a whole new level through progressive IHT.

  • FUN, fully-guided, follow along DAILY practices with video and music.
  • A full progression of 6 levels from 15 second breatholds up to 3 full minutes and beyond! (From severe chronic fatigue to young fit athletes)

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