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George Hutton – Sex Transmutation

George Hutton – Sex Transmutation

George Hutton – Sex Transmutation

Sex Transmutation

Transform Your Unlimited Energy Source for Increased Intelligence, Magnetic Social Skills and Endless Prosperity.

Conscious Training

Level One

This concerns our most basic needs. Food, shelter, survival. Our most basic fears and worries about money. Of getting or not getting enough to eat. Of being able to or not being able to pay the rent. These most basic needs must not only be satisfied but we must be confident they can be satisfied before we can even think of anything else.

  • Ancient Tribal Needs
  • Understanding the Reproductive Drive
  • How To Build Food Trust
  • Naturally Move Away From Fear
  • Feel Spiritual Hope
  • Recognize Your Spiritual Spark
  • Biological Cycle of Life Meditation
  • Infinite Cycle Breathing Exercise
  • Metaphysical Trust Building
  • Exercises To Believe Before Seeing
  • Anchor Sex Energy To First Level Appreciation

Level Two

Once we get our very basic needs met, food, shelter, safety, we can start to enjoy these things. As soon as we have enough food, our interests turn to how we can enjoy this food. How can enjoy our shelter and our clothing. After all, we want to live in a cool house and look nice when we go out!

  • Secrets of Easy Enjoyment
  • The Power of Charity
  • The Subtle Border of Surplus
  • Food Shopping Meditations
  • Architectural Appreciation Meditation
  • Hidden Level Two Spiritual Dangers
  • The Truth of the Seven Deadly Sins
  • Secrets To Choosing Well
  • True Authenticity
  • How to Avoid The Debt Trap
  • Elicit Subconscious Appreciation From Others

Level Three

After are most basic desires are not only taken are of but enjoyed, our next place to focus our attention on is ourselves. Who are we anyway? Are we good or bad? How the heck do we know? What kinds of things can we do to make ourselves better?

  • Develop Genuine Self Confidence
  • Why We Are Terrified of Introspection
  • How To Love Your Thoughts
  • Radiate Irresistible Sexual Charisma
  • Develop a Deep Drive To Share Yourself
  • Elevated Raw Sexual Power
  • How To Define Your Frame For Others
  • Anchor Sexual Energy To Your Truth
  • Recognize Your Inner Spiritual Observer
  • Access Deep Peace In Any Situation
  • Leverage Your Inner Infinite Resources

Level Four

Once we’ve got a decent idea about ourselves, we turn our focus on all those other people in our world. Who are they? Are some of them like us? Will we enjoy their company? Will we enjoy theirs? Wouldn’t it be cool if could find a bunch of people just like us and be able to enjoy each other’s company?

  • How We Feel About Others
  • The Deep Drive For Social Status
  • How To Escape The Status Contest Game
  • The Ancient Reasons For Organized Religions
  • The Creation Of The Ego
  • How To Out Frame Your Ego
  • How To See The Spirit Self In Others
  • The Secret of Einstein’s Paradox
  • Develop Comfort With Uncertainty
  • How To Safely Radiate Sexual Energy
  • Unleash Infinite Interpersonal Charisma And Magnetism

Level Five

Now we’re cooking with gas! We’ve found some cool people, now it’s time to figure out what’s on their minds and share with them what’s on our mind! This is the stuff of society, of togetherness, of starting to realize this crazy life actually might have some meaning!

  • Subconscious Persuasion and Influence
  • The Power of Collective Hallucinations
  • How Thoughts Become Things
  • How Our Ideas Mix With Theirs
  • Leverage The Sex of Ideas
  • Idea Reproduction and Evolution of Ideas
  • How To Manifest Metaphysical Ideas
  • How To Collectively Build Metaphysical Ideas
  • Spiritual Oriented Hallucinations
  • Sexually Charged Metaphysical Ideas
  • Deep Enjoyment of Being The Center of Social Situations

Level Six

This is when things start to become magic. We’re well fed and we look good. We’re surrounded by cool people who think we’re cool. We’re all vibing with one another and we’re starting to come up with some big ideas. Ideas that are bigger than us. Ideas we can look and feel like there really is something important going on here. Ideas that can transcend even the thought of us, and them, a metaphysical binding force that silently resonates among all men and women.

  • Big Picture Ideas
  • Long Range Spiritual Plans
  • See Yourself In Relation to The Metaphysical
  • Secrets Of the Gold Rush
  • The Development of Natural Laws
  • Why Hallucinations Can Be Infinitely Compelling
  • Why We Are Obedient To Ideas
  • Origins Of Heavenly Laws
  • Origins Of Spiritual Hierarchies
  • How To Contemplate Spiritual Laws
  • The Divineness of Sexual Energy

Level Seven

Some of these big ideas are cool, but some of them are just….wow. How can you even express them? We all know these are there, but simple human words just cannot describe this things, bigger than us, bigger than life, that we all know and share, but can only imagine. Just sitting together with our family and friends, contemplating the mysteries of life, the universe, who we are, why were are here…

  • How To Live Beyond Your Life
  • Our Inherent Drives For Legacy
  • Impact on Society
  • Live To Your Highest Potential
  • Truth Of A Self Actualized Life
  • The Meta Life Intelligence Theory
  • The Spiritual-Physical Oscillation
  • The Enlightened Orientation
  • The Infinite Presence of Cycles
  • Appreciating Mental Approaches To Infinity
  • Sexual Energy Approaches to Self Actualization

Subliminal Programming

Level One

Obliterate any first level worries. Feel complete trust in yourself to pay the bills and rent on time. Destroy any short term monetary worries. Bind your sexual energy to a deep faith in your ability to keep yourself fed, clothes and with adequate shelter.

  • Obliteration of First Level Fears
  • Complete Faith In Safety
  • Eliminate All Money Worries
  • Complete Trust In Your Health
  • Opening of First Level Sexual Energy
  • Opening of First Level Spiritual Energy
  • Release All Financial Fears
  • Complete Self Trust
  • Release All Disbelief and Lack

Level Two

Learn to appreciate material things separate form social status concerns. Feel the connection with your earning potential and how well you satisfy your basic needs. Maximize your earning creativity to enjoy the good things in life with your infinite sexual energy.

  • Awakening of Creative Energy
  • Multi-Faceted Sexual Energy
  • Infinite Imagination
  • Unbounded Innovation
  • Deep Appreciation of Physical Sensations
  • Leave Behind Lack Completely
  • Appreciate Surplus of Energy
  • Recognize Surplus of Power
  • Increasing Boundaries of Self

Level Three

Look inward and love what you find. Develop genuine self confidence and appreciation. Learn to radiate true self love, powered by your infinite sexual energy.

  • Awakened Self Esteem
  • Genuine Self Love
  • Infinite Self Appreciation
  • Recognition of Spiritual Self
  • Connection With Divine Presence
  • Discover Unending Validation
  • Radiate Powerful Self Assurance
  • Attract Genuine Admiration
  • Sexually Charged Self Confidence

Level Four

Develop a deep appreciation and respect for others that comes from your authentic self. Trust that you will find plenty of people to commune with. Radiate your inner truth and find as many soul mates as you like.

  • Appreciation Of Others
  • Easy Interpersonal Interactions
  • Express Yourself Openly and Naturally
  • Become Truly Authentic With Others
  • Develop Deep Relationships
  • Encourage True Friendships
  • Radiate Irresistible Sexual Magnetism
  • Become Mysteriously Attractive
  • Naturally Magnetic Social Skills

Level Five

Communicate with elegance, persuasion, and deep subconscious rapport, powered by transmuted sexual energy. Become magnetic and charismatic, and enjoy deeper relationships with others. Leverage your infinite sexual energy for irresistibly attractive personal sexual magnetism.

  • Infinitely Persuasive Communication
  • Effortless Influence
  • Natural Conversational Skills
  • People Readily Agree With You
  • Insanely Attractive Energy
  • People Naturally Drawn To You
  • Powerfully Attractive Sexual Energy
  • Subconsciously Radiant Sexual Power
  • Become Instantly Recognized As Authority

Level Six

Create big ideas with others who are on the same wavelength. Understand the process of leveraging transmuted sexual energy to move a collective idea from the metaphysical plane to the physical plane. Become part of something much bigger than yourself.

  • Commune With Big Picture Ideas
  • Become One With Big Plans
  • Easily Visualize Long Range Goals
  • Unleash Unstoppable Motivation
  • Commune With Spiritual Self
  • Feel Essential To Society
  • Recognize The Importance of Your Life
  • Radiate Your Significance To Others
  • Communicate With Wordless Appreciation

Level Seven

Learn to contemplate the infinite. Merge your sexual energy, your emotional energy with the true nature of existence, as you contemplate it. Feel a real connection to the divine through sexually powered visualizations.

  • Feel Your Lasting Impact On Society
  • Feel Universal Sexual Power
  • Deep Meditative Insights
  • Feel Eternal Resonance
  • Achieve Infinite Peace
  • Understand Your Purpose
  • Appreciate Deep Beauty In All Things
  • Access Universal Knowledge
  • Resonate With Eternal Spiritual Truths

Master Mix

Use to fine tune your sex energy or blast your subconscious with all voices and all statements at once. Use to resonate your sex energy throughout your entire being, both physical and spiritual.

  • All Sessions Mixed
  • Gamma Master – Perfect For Real Time Social Activities
  • 4V Theta Master – Quick Confidence Boost
  • 256V Theta Master – Thousands of Voices
  • Overflow Your Subconscious with New Beliefs
  • Slow Growth In All Areas
  • Divine Sexual Meditation

About George Hutton

My name is George Hutton. Thank you for visiting my author page. I am a certified hypnotist, author and scientist. I received a B.S. in Physics in 1990. I managed a Research and Development Laboratory for a biomedical company for ten years. I’ve been involved in sales, persuasion, and hypnosis. I’ve been teaching, coaching and creating hypnosis and NLP based products for over a decade. This is Mind Persuasion. This site is dedicated to NLP, hypnosis and influence. There’s not any aspect of life that can’t be improved with NLP and hypnosis. No matter what you’d like to accomplish in life, NLP can help.

It will help you not only to improve your communication skills, goal setting skills, and skills of influence, but will also help you to conquer any internal blocks, such as fear, anxiety, and indecision.

Once you’ve got some solid “inner game” as well as some solid “outer game” there’s literally nothing in life that you can’t accomplish.

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