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Chris Bache – Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics

Chris Bache – Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics

Chris Bache – Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics

Description of Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics

Immerse yourself in the living intelligence of our Universe, witness its creative genius unfolding in our lives, and see where reincarnation is taking us at this critical hour in history.

Are you ready to step into a deeper understanding of our Universe and enter a deeper communion with its creative intelligence?

Are you prepared to connect more powerfully with your spiritual destiny, to break through barriers of doubt and reclaim your authentic essence?

Research on the medicinal and consciousness-enhancing potential of psychedelics is gaining momentum, sparking new debate and curiosity about how they can be safely used to heighten healing, happiness, and self-transformation.

For 20 years, Chris Bache, professor, author, and international speaker, explored the deep structure of the Universe through 73 high-dose LSD sessions following the therapeutic protocol established by Stanislav Grof, renowned author and psychonaut.

Trained as a philosopher of religion, Chris entered a spiral of death and rebirth that took him deep into the living intelligence of our Universe, an intelligence that embraced him, crushed him, and drew him into the wonders of creation and the radiant light of its innermost being.

On this journey he was shown things that stunned and transfixed him… and experienced things that completely reframed his understanding of existence.

During your Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics journey with Chris, he’ll take you through the five stages of his initiation in a cosmological adventure that pulses with elevated insights and ecstatic visions of our multi-dimensional Universe, the Soul’s journey, and the birth of the Future Human.

You’ll follow Chris into the depths of Oneness and the Primal Void, expanding your sense of your own infinity and what is possible for your soul’s evolution. You’ll go beyond linear time to explore reincarnation and karma inside Deep Time, and rest in the achingly beautiful communion with Source.

You’ll move with Chris beyond personal transformation into collective transformation, where our species functions as a single being, and discover the spiritual transformation we are undergoing in this century and how to navigate the coming challenges with love and clear focus.

Through Chris’ illuminating firsthand accounts, lively Q&A sessions, and guided visualizations, you will be invited into the crystalline radiance of the Diamond Luminosity, a domain of super-luminous clarity from which existence springs moment by moment in perpetual creation.

Join Chris on this Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics to reclaim your sacred self, find answers to longstanding questions, and wake to the true reality of what is possible for your life.

During Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics, you’ll explore:

  • How to leverage psychedelic insights without actually using psychedelics
  • The distinctive nature of the LSD interface compared to other psychedelic medicines
  • The significance of ego-death — and why we must surrender our physical identity in this work
  • The fields of consciousness that lie beyond ego as you reclaim your sacred self
  • The living forces of archetypal reality that structure space-time reality
  • How personal healing opens to collective healing and why
  • Early cosmological initiations — the Cosmic Tour, the Council of Elders, and the Master Plan
  • The tissue of our collective being — where humanity lives as a single, integrated whole
  • Reincarnation and the birth of the Diamond Soul in history
  • The nonlinear dynamics of awakening, changing us faster than anyone can imagine
  • The birth of the Future Human — a shift in the archetypal architecture of the human psyche
  • Surviving the Divine Embrace — is it possible to have too much God?
  • Navigating the cultural taboos of silence around psychedelic use

What You’ll Discover in Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics

In this Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics, Chris will guide you to explore the nature of consciousness through his own 20-year psychedelic journey — to help you awaken and reclaim your sacred self… and understand the true reality of what’s possible for your life.

This Exploring the Cosmic Mind Through Psychedelics course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Chris. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones as you explore the nature of consciousness and what Chris refers to as “the sacred medicine path.”

Module 1: The Protocols & Possibilities of Psychedelics

How far can you safely push the limits of psychedelic engagement?

In this opening module, Chris will answer this question and lay the foundation for everything that follows in the course.

He will explain the psychedelic protocol he used, clarify misconceptions people may hold about LSD, and describe the two phases of a high-dose LSD session. You will learn the difference between recreational tripping and therapeutically structured sessions, and the precautions that must be taken to engage the deep psyche safely and effectively.

During this opening module, you’ll also explore:

  • The LSD interface compared to other psychedelic interfaces
  • Practices for ensuring clean contact, strong recall, and good integration
  • The difference between spiritual awakening and cosmological exploration
  • The participatory dynamics of the psychedelic experience
  • The spiral of death and rebirth and the stages of cosmic initiation
  • Psychic, subtle, and causal reality

Module 2: Crossing the Boundary of Birth and Death & the Ocean of Suffering

What is ego-death and why does it figure so largely in spiritual journeys —
with or without psychedelics ?

In this module, Chris will share his experience of crossing the boundary of birth and death, confronting the existential crisis of whether our existence has any meaning or purpose…

… and undergoing the intense physical and emotional purifications that are part of the unravelling of our physical identity in ego-death.

From there, you’ll pivot to the second stage of the journey… where healing expands beyond the individual to encompass the entire human species. In the “ocean of suffering” work, the journey is no longer aimed at just our personal transformation, but at our collective transformation.

During the second module, you’ll discover:

  • The perinatal level of consciousness
  • The crisis of meaning and the fear of death
  • The significance of ego-death — shattering our physical identity
  • What happens when the line between personal and collective healing dissolves

Module 3: Reincarnation and the Soul & Cosmological Initiations

How does reincarnation work?

In this module, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the cycle of reincarnation and the choices the soul makes as we incarnate into specific circumstances, relationships, and life projects.

Chris will share the challenges he faced in staying conscious when linear time dissolved and Deep Time opened — a challenge that repeats itself as you enter deeper levels of consciousness.

You’ll then explore the early cosmological initiations, a “crash course in Cosmology 101,” as Chris calls it, including: the Universe as the self-emerging body of the Divine, the Cosmic Tour, early insights into humanity’s spiritual evolution, and first entry into the bliss of oneness.

You’ll also discover how the collective purification of the ocean of suffering culminates in a second death that takes place beyond the death of the ego at the level of the collective psyche.

During this module, you’ll explore:

  • Explore reincarnation and the journey of the soul
  • Move beyond linear time into Deep Time
  • Imagine your life taking place as a simultaneous NOW
  • Track the early cosmological initiations
  • Learn what it means to heal the collective wound

Module 4: Archetypal Reality & Causal Oneness

The spiral of death and rebirth continues as Chris shares the third and fourth stages of his journey.

At the archetypal level of consciousness, you’ll explore how our species functions as a single being, with psychological and physical networks weaving all of us into an integrated species-field.

At a deeper archetypal level, you’ll engage the massive forces responsible for generating space-time reality and see how difficult it is to grasp the true nature of such beings. From there, you’ll move into causal reality, where the entire Universe “breathes as one” and there is no private self (emptiness).

You’ll wind down in this module being introduced to a new vision of where reincarnation is taking humanity — the birth of the Diamond Soul.

During this fourth module, you’ll explore:

  • The extreme energy of archetypal initiation
  • The tissue of our collective being — beyond Jungian psychology
  • The living forces of archetypal reality — beyond Plato
  • The human species reincarnating as a single entity
  • The nature of emptiness, oneness, and Cosmic Love
  • The birth of the Diamond Soul

Module 5: Entering the Diamond Luminosity

Fifteen years into his psychedelic journey, the fifth and final stage opened for Chris.

After absorbing the bliss of Causal Oneness for two years, another round of death and rebirth took him into the clarity and pure radiance of Diamond Luminosity, completely eclipsing all previous levels.

Beyond physical existence, beyond the bardo, it dissolved him rhythmically into the crystalline radiance of the Divine, into what Buddhists call dharmakaya, the clear light of absolute reality. In 26 sessions extending over five years, Chris entered this reality just four times.

In this module, he’ll share these experiences and the insights that emerged with them.

During this illuminating session, Chris will describe how he:

  • Dissolved into the Diamond Luminosity of dharmakaya
  • Discovered new insights into the psychedelic process
  • Integrated Vajrayana Buddhist practice into his psychedelic practice
  • Learned that there is no end to this journey
  • Navigated the transparency of embodied Presence

Module 6: The Birth of the Future Human

Chris refers to this module’s teachings as the most important of the course, for it concerns the future of the entire human family.

One of the most consistent and repeated themes of Chris’ journey addressed the spiritual turning point humanity is coming to. He’ll share the visions he received regarding the spiritual awakening of humanity, the collective death and rebirth process we have entered, the convulsive decades that lie ahead as our labor intensifies, and the extraordinary birth of the Future Human that approaches.

The archetypal foundation of the human psyche species is shifting. Humanity’s karmic past is being cleared exponentially, preparing us for the birth of the Diamond Soul in history, a transition that will change life on this planet forever.

Insights in this module include:

  • Where reincarnation is taking humanity
  • The global systems-crisis and the birth of the Future Human
  • How we can consciously participate in this collective birth
  • The nonlinear dynamics of awakening, which are faster than anyone can imagine
  • What form will the Future Human take?

Module 7: Integration & Empowerment in the Psychedelic Journey

In the concluding module, we’ll explore the challenges of integration, of healthily absorbing not only individual psychedelic experiences, but an entire psychedelic journey.

Chris will share lessons learned and mistakes made on his journey, and help you integrate the insights you’ve taken in — so you can process where they’ve led you and what may come next in your spiritual journey.

Final thoughts in this module include:

  • How to leverage psychedelic insights without the use of psychedelics
  • Surviving the Divine Embrace — is it possible to have too much God?
  • Integrating experiences of extreme transcendence
  • Managing the sadness of temporary union and the cultural taboos around psychedelics
  • Entering the Sweet Valley

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