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Sven Kohl & Alex Lorenz – Calisthenic Movement – Mobility

Sven Kohl & Alex Lorenz – Calisthenic Movement – Mobility

Sven Kohl & Alex Lorenz – Calisthenic Movement – Mobility

Today I have the wonderful opportunity to share yet another interview with you. This time it’s with one of my favourite YouTube channels; Calisthenic Movement. I love picking brains and going deep on subjects with those far more successful than I, and applying the gems of information these great people share.

If you search for interviews with Calisthenic Movement, you’ll see only a few interviews with Sven Kohl (one half of CaliMove) but none with Alex Lorenz (the other half of CaliMove). With this in mind, I wanted to get chatting with the guy affectionately nicknamed ‘El Eggs’ and ask him all about the rise of Calisthenic Movement, his background, crazy flexibility, life philosophy, approach to training and fitness and why connective tissue health is most important.

Sit back and enjoy.

  1. Tell us about yourself – you’re the face of a big company Calisthenic Movement. If someone didn’t know what you guys are all about, how would you sum up what you guys do?
  2. What was life like before you became involved with Sven and Calimove? Were you always active and into fitness as a child/teenager or was it something you discovered a little later in life?
  3. I assume you work full time now with Calimove, making a living from your passion which must be amazing. Have you had any other jobs in the past before that were unrelated to fitness?
  4. One thing that’s always struck me (and no doubt many others that have seen you guys’ videos) is just how flexible and mobile you are. Was this always the case since childhood or was there a period where you weren’t so flexible? It looks so effortless and graceful……many might assume it came easy to you?
  5. When it comes to advancing in calisthenics and even gymnastics, flexibility will become a limiting factor – especially if someone wants to learn moves like press handstands, V-sits and Stalder presses, or even perfectly straight handstands. Do you guys have any favourite methods of gaining flexibility? I know old school, passive and static stretching is now being left behind in favour of PNF, loaded stretching, release techniques and active mobility work. Do you have any experience with these methods and which one do you like most?
  6. Do you have any basic mobility standards one should have to be a reasonable calisthenics athlete and even for overall health?
  7. Shifting over to strength from flexibility, many fans will watch your videos and assume things are just easy for you, but I know no advanced level is achieved without struggle, many failures and trying times. Were there any really difficult moves for you personally to master over your training career? Or even anything you’re still currently working on? I noticed you’re very strong at handstands, flags and planche stuff but is there anything you’re not so strong on?
  8. For those starting out with calisthenics, whether they’re new or switching over from using free weights/machines, where would you suggest they start? Would full body programs like your level one beginners program be good or are there other ideas too?
  9. Everybody promotes the importance of the basics when it comes to calisthenics training, but what about those wanting to move from basics to more intermediate moves like back levers, muscle ups, L-sits and free standing handstands. Do you have a set of pre requisites in basic moves like pull ups, push ups and dips in order to know someone is ready?
  10. When it comes to achieving advanced level moves like the planche, one arm handstand, front lever and flag, for example, do you think it’s much more efficient to train these moves very specifically or can you still achieve them as part of a more rounded program featuring a bit of ‘everything’?
  11. Moving on to a bit of philosophy, can you share with us one life lesson you’ve learnt in life, whether from training or business or even both? Maybe even a rule you have for life or quote to live by?
  12. What’s in store for Calimove over the next year or so – any new workshops, programs, collaborations or projects?
  13. And finally, where can we get a pair of those awesome blue shorts??!!

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